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  • Publication
    Successful Supplier Integration in the Chinese Automotive Industry: A Theoretical Framework
    (Inderscience Enterprises, 2010-09-13)
    Lockstroem, Martin
    Schadel, Joachim
    Harrison, Norma
    This paper seeks to develop a supplier integration framework in a Chinese context based on existing theories and empirical insights from the Chinese automotive industry. The objective is to develop a framework and identify a number of factors that can potentially facilitate supplier integration and ultimately improve supply chain performance. The framework comprises a causal chain with four key constructs, starting with supply chain leadership as an antecedent to alliance readiness, which in turn is proposed to yield a higher degree of supplier integration. Eventually, a higher degree of supplier integration is proposed to positively influence supply chain performance. By building on prior research and 30 case studies, the framework provides a China-specific approach to supplier integration and offers insights into the current status in the Chinese automotive industry.
    Scopus© Citations 22