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Conducting Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education: Epistemological Styles, Evaluative Cultures and Institutional Obstacles

2018-07 , Hoidn, Sabine

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Learning and teaching research methods in management education: development of a curriculum to combine theory and practice - a Swiss case

2016-01-15 , Hoidn, Sabine , Olbert-Bock, Sibylle

Purpose - In the context of the creation of a two-year MSBA programme to offer a scientifically sound and practice-related management education in Switzerland, a curriculum for learning and teaching research methods had to be designed. Major pedagogic challenges were identified and addressed by curricular responses in terms of pluralism in knowledge production forms, a holistic approach to competence development and a learner-centred course design. The resulting design of the part of the curriculum on research methods is presented. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach - To assess the outcomes its response to the given challenges, the feedback from existing regular evaluations was used and additional surveys were conducted. Students' perceptions and those of their teachers were combined to form a balanced view. Findings - The results indicate that the new curriculum is an appropriate approach - it led to gains in research methods knowledge and skills and to improvements in research-related social and reflexive competencies. The assessment of the outcomes of learning research methods in management education reveals an interesting research gap. Originality/value - This paper assesses a newly developed research curriculum for management students implemented in a new master's programme in Business Administration at a mid-size university of applied sciences in Switzerland. Three pedagogical challenges in teaching research methods were addressed to target the theory-practice gap in management education. The authors opted for a research methods curriculum that links management research and practice by encouraging pluralism in knowledge-production forms, a more holistic view of competence development in management education and a learning-centred course design.

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Learning in Activity: A Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education

2007-01-01 , Hoidn, Sabine

Active, lifelong learning has advanced to a "buzz word," requiring highly motivated learners who are able to learn in a self-regulated manner, and to actively engage within a learning community utilizing new media. Facing this challenge, this paper focuses on pedagogy regarding both the learning process as well as the methodical and didactic creation of the social and cultural learning environment in the field of teacher education in the university context. As a consequence, a pedagogical framework will be outlined which serves - together with the initial research question/subquestions - as a starting point and a point of reference. This framework consists of three intertwined perspectives: individual learning process, media and social interaction, and sociocultural context. In order to develop an applicable pedagogical concept empirical exploration will be based on best-practice case study research. The paper briefly outlines some important preliminary findings of the first case study which I conducted in the field of teacher education at the University of Oldenburg, Germany in 2005. Zu bestellen unter

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Ökonomische Bildung in den USA

2006-06-01 , Hoidn, Sabine , Kaminski, Hans

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The pedagogical concept of student-centred learning in the context of European higher education reforms

2016 , Hoidn, Sabine

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Critical Exploration in the University Classroom: Implications for Teaching and Teachers

2014-03-01 , Hoidn, Sabine

The paper introduces an educational approach developed by Eleanor R. Duckworth named Critical Exploration in the Classroom (section 1) and outlines the basic educational components central to this approach (section 2). After that selected findings of an in-depth case study conducted in Professor Duckworth's higher education classroom at Harvard Graduate School of Education in the United States will be presented. The empirical case study investigated how the learning environment in the classroom was designed to support deep exploratory learning exploring both, curriculum design and pedagogy (section 3). As a result, pedagogical implications on how educators can use their knowledge to help students learn will be outlined (section 4). Online:

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Selbstorganisiertes Lernen im Kontext - einige Überlegungen aus lerntheoretischer Sicht und ihre Konsequenzen

2007-12-20 , Hoidn, Sabine

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The pedagogical concept of student-centred learning in the context of European higher education reforms

2016-10-30 , Hoidn, Sabine

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Lernmodell zur Förderung von Lernkompetenzen an Hochschulen

2011-03 , Hoidn, Sabine

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Wikis in der Hochschullehre - Aktives Lernen in Lerngemeinschaften an der Uni St. Gallen

2007-12-14 , Hoidn, Sabine