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Firearm Homicides in Europe: A comparison with non-firearm homicides in five European countries

2023-05-13 , Katharina Krüsselmann , Pauline Aarten , Sven Granath , Janne Kivivuori , Nora Markwalder , Karoliina Suonpää , Asser Hedegaard Thomsen , Simone Walser , Marieke Liem

Detailed, comparative research on firearm violence in Europe is rare. Using data from the European Homicide Monitor, this paper presents the prevalence and characteristics of firearm homicides in Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland between 2001 and 2016. Furthermore, we compare firearm to nonfirearm homicides to assess the degree of uniqueness of firearms as modus operandi. We find that the firearm homicide rate varies across our sample of countries. We also identify two country profiles: in Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden, most firearm homicides take place in public and urban areas, involving male victims and perpetrators. In these countries, the use of firearms in homicides is largely concentrated in the criminal milieu. In Finland and Switzerland, firearms are mostly used in domestic homicides, with a higher share of female victims. We explore these findings in relation to firearm availability in each country.

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Tötungsdelikte in der Schweiz von 1990 bis 2014

2022 , Walser, Simone , Markwalder, Nora , Killias, Martin

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Ursachen von Tötungsdelikten im häuslichen Umfeld. Studie zuhanden des Eidgenössischen Büros für die Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann EBG, Bereich Gewalt

2021 , Staubli, Silvia , Markwalder, Nora , Walser, Simone

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Changes in trends and patterns of homicide across three decades

, Markwalder, Nora , Killias, Martin , Walser, Simone

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Situative Ursachen von Jugendgewalt

2022 , Simone Walser , Christian Schwarzenegger , Rolf Naegeli

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Homicide and Suicide in Switzerland over twenty years (1980-2004): A study based on forensic medicine, police and court files

2009 , Killias, Martin , Markwalder, Nora , Walser, Simone , Dilitz, Carine

Report to the Swiss National Science Foundation

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Intimate partner homicides –causes and risk factors

2022-09-22 , Walser, Simone , Staubli, Silvia , Markwalder, Nora

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Homicides in Switzerland -trends over 25 years

2023-09 , Walser, Simone , Nora Markwalder

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Studie zu Ursachen von Tötungsdelikten innerhalb der Partnerschaft, Eidgenössisches Büro für die Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau EBG

, Staubli, Silvia , Markwalder, Nora , Walser, Simone