Now showing 1 - 10 of 18
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Implementing Architectural Thinking: A Case Study at Commerzbank AG
    (Springer, 2015-06-08) ; ;
    Pähler, Patrick
    Persson, Anne
    Stirna, Janis
    The discipline of enterprise architecture (EA) has become well-established in many organizations and is continuously discussed in academic literature. However, EA's effectiveness beyond IT is limited. The paradigm of architectural thinking aims at reaching the 90% of an organization that is not related to IT. The paper contrasts the abstract definitions of architectural thinking with empirical case study data. We find that practice has developed implementations of these abstract definitions. However, we also find new characteristics of architectural thinking that have not yet been discussed in literature. Specifically, these are the role of decisions and the role of formal governance mechanisms.
    Scopus© Citations 13
  • Publication
    Information Provision as a Success Factor in the Architectural Support of Enterprise Transformations
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2014-07-15) ; ;
    Aveiro, David
    Bjekovic, Marija
    Caetano, Artur
    Fleischmann, Albert
    Heuser, Lutz
    De Kinderen, Sybren
    Komarov, Mikhail M.
    Koucheryavy, Yevgeni
    Maltseva, Svetlana V.
    Molnar, Wolfgang
    Oberweis, Andreas
    Proper, Henderik A.
    Rappa, Michael
    Schmidt, Werner
    Schoenthaler, Frank
    Sottet, Jean-Sébastien
    Stary, Christian
    Vossen, Gottfried
    Enterprise transformations (ET) fail in many cases or do not accomplish the expected goals. Enterprise architecture management (EAM) is often considered to be an appropriate means to tackle this problem by providing information that is relevant to ET managers. Therefore, we analyze, which types of information provided during an ET contributes to its success. In addition we discuss if EAM can appropriately support ETs by providing relevant information. The results show that value can be provided to ET management when business-related information on a detailed level is offered. Examples are business requirements, business functions, or qualitative measures. We find information that can be provided by EAM to be an important success factor for ETs.
    Scopus© Citations 1
  • Publication
    Architectural Support of Enterprise Transformations: Insights from Corporate Practice
    (Universität Paderborn, 2014-02-26) ; ;
    Rothenberger, Marcus
    Kundisch, Dennis
    Suhl, Leena
    Beckmann, Lars
    Enterprise architecture management (EAM) is considered to be a means to contribute to fundamental change (enterprise transformations) in organizations. Based on qualitative interview data, we investigate how EAM contributes to meeting the information needs of transformation managers during an enterprise transformation (ET). We identify the type of information EAM can provide to ET management. We further identify the activities conducted during ETs that foster information needs. Our results differentiate between information that EAM can provide, can partially provide, or cannot provide, to an ET effort.
  • Publication
    A Reference Model for the Information-Based Support of Enterprise Transformations
    (Springer, 2014-05-22) ; ; ;
    Tremblay, Monica Chiarini
    VanderMeer, Debra
    Rothenberger, Marcus
    Gupta, Ashish
    Yoon, Victoria
    Enterprises from time to time have to go through radical changes, oftentimes referred to as enterprise transformations (ETs). Depending on the type of ET that is conducted, different information requirements exist. In order to support ETs, a reference information model should therefore distinguish different ET types. Based on the empirical analysis of ETs that is used to determine four ET types with different information requirements, we construct such a reference model in the paper at hand. The application of the model is exemplified with the case of enterprise architecture management as an information provider.
    Scopus© Citations 7
  • Publication
    Understanding Coordination Support of Enterprise Architecture Management - Empirical Analysis and Implications for Practice
    (Association for Information Systems, 2013-08-15) ; ; ;
    Enterprise architecture management (EAM) is a means to guide the consistent evolution of business and IT artifacts from an enterprise-wide perspective. This paper aims at understanding the means by which EAM supports this coordination task. Informed by theory of coordination and based on empirical data (n=95) we group participating enterprises in different clusters: (1) non-coordinators, (2) dominators and (3) negotiators. We find that a similar awareness of opportunities exists in all three clusters, yet there are gaps in the realization of EAM coordination support: non-coordinators show the lowest realization, negotiators the highest. Based on this clustering and two follow-up focus groups, we provide implications about the occurrence of the clusters in enterprises and on further EAM development options.
  • Publication
    Beyond Enterprise Architecture Modeling - What are the Essentials to Support Enterprise Transformations?
    (Köllen, 2013-09-05) ; ; ; ;
    Reichert, Manfred
    In recent years, many different modeling techniques and languages were developed in order to allow for an efficient and appropriate enterprise architecture management (EAM). Recently, EAM is no longer only seen as a means to ensure business/IT aligment but further as a means to support fundamental changes of the organization, often called enterprise transformation (ET). In a joint project with a group of practitioners we aim at developing a framework that provides guidance on how EAM can support such ETs and thus leverage the benefit of modeling. Our design results after more than one year of research reveal different types of EAM, areas of action in ETs and ET activities that can be supported by EAM. The findings show that modeling techniques or languages should focus on constructs like transitions, benefits or risks in order to increase their value for ET support.
  • Publication
    The Architects' Perspective on Enterprise Transformation: An Explorative Study
    (Springer, 2013-06-06) ;
    Koebele, Felix
    ; ;
    Harmsen, Frank
    Proper, Hendrik A.
    Enterprise architecture management (EAM) is considered to be a valuable means in order to support large-scale changes, called enterprise transformations (ET). In the study at hand we apply an explorative qualitative approach in order to investigate the potentials of EAM to support ETs by discussing the topic with highly knowledgeable informants that deal with EAM on a daily basis in nine different companies. The results reveal six propositions about the current and future state of EAM as an ET supporting discipline. The propositions reveal a distinction between IT and business focused EAM, means and activities taken by EAM to support ET, major pitfalls that need to be avoided as much as per-ceptions about the future of the discipline.
    Scopus© Citations 8
  • Publication
    Enterprise Architecture as a Means for Coordination - An Empirical Study on Actual and Potential Practice
    (AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2012-09-08) ; ;
    Enterprise architecture management (EAM) is considered a means to guide the alignment of business- and IT-related concerns from an enterprise-wide perspective. Our goal in this paper is to understand by which means EAM supports this coordination task today and potentially in the future. We designed a questionnaire and conducted an empirical study (n=95) with participants from the field of EAM. Based on common coordination mechanisms from literature, we analyze (1) the relation between coordination mechanism and their current EAM support, (2) to what degree participants are aware of opportunities of EAM supporting coordination mechanisms, and (3) what the perceived gap between potential and realized EAM coordination support is. An exploratory factor analysis leads to three factors that represent coordination mechanisms in enterprises. Using these factors, we group participating enterprises in three different clusters: (1) non-coordinators, (2) dominators and (3) negotiators. We find that a similar awareness of opportunities exists in all three clusters, yet there are gaps in the realization of EAM coordination support: non-coordinators show the lowest realization, negotiators the highest. Based on this clustering, we provide implications on further EAM development options.
  • Publication
    Theory Foundations for Enterprise Architecture Management: Insights from Infrastructure-Related Economics
    Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is a highly relevant topic in organizational practice and design science research. However, the constant need for investigating EAM's benefits and for justifying its costs has not satisfactorily been dealt with. Traditional business case based justifications fall short in considering the cross-project, cross-unit, and enterprise wide character of EAM. Because of EAM's infrastructure-like nature, we survey economic theory for approaches explaining cost and benefit effects of EAM and to discuss their potential to derive implications for EAM design. The paper is a first attempt to bring together different bodies of knowledge in two diverse fields (IS and economics). Findings are theories that explain why infrastructure-like concepts are necessary and further hints for in-depth analysis that is supposed to lead to meaningful insights for EAM design. Based on the discussed economic theories, we compile a research agenda in the area of infrastructure-like systems.