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The Effect of Internal versus External Communication on Organizational Identification

2015-08-07 , Herhausen, Dennis , Henkel, Sven , Kipfelsberger, Petra

This research examines the interplay of internal versus external communication and employees’ distance to headquarters on employees’ organizational identification. Drawing from construal-level theory and social identity theory, the authors theoretically argue that employees’ psychological distance to headquarters determines the effect of organizational communication measures on employees’ organizational identification. In particular, the degree of construal fit between concreteness versus abstractness of the communication and employees’ psychological distance to headquarters might influence whether internal or external communication will lead to higher organizational identification. Hypotheses were tested via two multilevel field studies comprising the responses of 1,102 employees from an industrial service firm and a retail firm. Study results support the proposed model: Internal communication is superior to target employees with low psychological distance while external communication is superior to target employees with high psychological distance to headquarters. Important theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

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Could I Live Up To That Ad? The Impact of Implicit Theories Of Ability On Service Employees' Evaluations Of Ads

2009-05-26 , Henkel, Sven , Wentzel, Daniel , Tomczak, Torsten

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The Impact of Susceptibility to Normative Influence on the Effectiveness of Consumer Testimonials

2007-05-25 , Wentzel, Daniel , Martin, Brett A.S. , Tomczak, Torsten , Henkel, Sven

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How Employees' Distance to Headquarter Affects the Influence of Internal vs. External Communication on Employee Behavior

2014-06-03 , Henkel, Sven , Herhausen, Dennis , Scharfenberger, Philipp

This study examines the effect of internal and external communication on commitment and brand behavior of employees. The authors propose that distance to headquarter moderates the impact of internal and external communications, so that the positive relationship for internal (external) communication is stronger for employees in roles that are more (less) proximal to the headquarter. Results from an empirical study of 1,291 employees from 6 subsidiaries of a large industrial organization support this notion. The findings of this study suggest that external communication is important to increase employees' commitment and their willingness to behave on brand.

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Advertising Brands through Narratives: the Moderating Effekt of Persuasion Motives

2008-05-27 , Herrmann, Andreas , Henkel, Sven , Tomczak, Torsten , Wentzel, Daniel , Jenewein, Wolfgang

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The Impact of Personal Employee Interaction on Brand Performance: Theoretical Foundation and Management Approach

2006-01-05 , Henkel, Sven , Tomczak, Torsten , Heitmann, Mark , Herrmann, Andreas

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Toward a Greater Understanding of Proactive Customer Orientation: Construct and Scale Development

2011-08-05 , Herhausen, Dennis , Schögel, Marcus , Henkel, Sven , Noble, S.

This work is devoted to the question of how managers can successfully probe latent needs and uncover future needs of customers, labeled as proactive customer orientation. Based on an observation of specialized proactive customer-oriented departments, expert interviews, workshops with managers, and a meta-analysis of existing research, two dimensions of proactive customer orientation are defined, proactive customer-oriented climate and proactive customer-oriented processes. New scales are developed for the two constructs, and the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the second-order measurement models are supported by an empirical study of 218 business-to-business firms and 202 business-to-consumers firms

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Is the Public Sector Ready for Branding

2007-06-29 , Ramspeck, Stefanie , Schedler, Kuno , Henkel, Sven

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Bringing the Brand to Life - The Relevance and Managerial Control of Behavioral Branding

2006-01-05 , Tomczak, Torsten , Henkel, Sven , Herrmann, Andreas , Heitmann, Mark , The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies