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Service Competence and Firm Performance : Towards a Concept for Strategic Differentiation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

2008-09-01 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Schrettle, Thomas , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

Even though small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in world economies, strategic management research provides only limited insight into SME strategies. Scholars to date have mainly emphasized size-related disadvantages which small firms have to face in comparison to large corporations. In this paper we therefore argue that SMEs can gain competitive advantage through providing high quality services to their customers. Based on their service competence, long-term service relationships enable small business firms adapt to their services to changing business environments and to offer customized services and hence to outperform large corporations. To stay ahead of competitors, providers must have a bundle of dynamic capabilities to constantly reshape their activities and the way they operate. In this paper, we introduce service competence as a construct to describe these capabilities and develop a set of propositions on how organizational antecedents influence the service competence of an organization.

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Entrepreneurship : Modelle - Umsetzung - Perspektiven: mit Fallbeispielen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

2016 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Müller, Christoph , Müller, Susan , Volery, Thierry

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Entrepreneurship, Ergänzende Videos zur 2. Auflage des Lehrbuchs

2008 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Müller, Christoph , Volery, Thierry

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Die unternehmerische Kraft von Studierenden im internationalen Vergleich - Evaluation eines Untersuchungsrahmens

2006-09-18 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Halter, Frank , Klandt, Heinz , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry

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Entrepreneurship : Modelle - Umsetzung - Perspektiven. Mit Fallbeispielen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

2004 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Müller, Christoph , Volery, Thierry

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Swiss Survey on Collegiate Entrepreneurship 2003

2003 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Halter, Frank

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Unravelling Small Business Netwroks: The Case of Swiss SMEs from a marginal alpine region

2005-07-10 , Volery, Thierry , Fueglistaller, Urs

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Gedanken zu einer Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Klein- und Mittelunternehmen vor dem Wirken von Josef Mugler

2008 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Gasda, J.-Michael , Weber, Walter , Frank, Herrmann , Neubauer, Herbert , Rößl, Dietmar