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Linking action learning and inter-organisational learning : the learning journey approach

2015-09-21 , Schumacher, Thomas

The article presents and illustrates the learning journey (LJ) - a new man- agement development approach to inter-organisational learning based on observation, reflection and problem-solving. The LJ involves managers from different organisations and applies key concepts of action learning and systemic organisational development. Made up of practitioners from 6 to 8 organisations, the LJ visits each of the organisations to explore man- agement practices, taking into account their particular organisational context and challenges. Following a sequence of (a) becoming aware of the particular organisational context, (b) learning about established manage- ment practices and (c) working on a current challenge as ‘comrades in adversity', the article introduces and illustrates the LJ approach. The article closes with a discussion of the approach's challenges and impli- cations for research on - and development of - inter-organisational learning processes.