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When do family firms have an advantage in transitioning economies? Toward a dynamic institution-based view

2014-07-09 , Banalieva, Elitsa , Eddleston, Kimberley H. , Zellweger, Thomas

We advance a dynamic institution-based view of the firm that extends the theory's current focus on scope of pro-market reforms (degree of market liberalization in a given year) to consider how speed of reforms (rate of market liberalization achieved over time) affects the performance of firms from transitioning economies. Utilizing a sample of public firms from Chinese provinces with varying reform speeds, we find that while scope of reforms positively impacts firm performance, speed of reforms detracts from firm performance. We further find that while family firms have an advantage in gradually reforming provinces, non-family firms have an advantage in rapidly reforming provinces. Thus, we extend the institution-based view across time (speed of reforms) and firms (family vs. non-family firms).

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Familieneinfluss und Performance privat gehaltener Familienunternehmen

2007-08-13 , Zellweger, Thomas

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Family Business in Switzerland: Significance and Structure

2004-09-15 , Frey, Urs , Halter, Frank , Zellweger, Thomas , Klein, Sabine

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Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Familienunternehmen in der Schweiz

2007-08-13 , Zellweger, Thomas , Fueglistaller, Urs

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Extending the Socioemotional Wealth Perspective: A Look at the dark Side

2012-11 , Kellermanns, Franz W. , Eddleston, Kimberley H. , Zellweger, Thomas

We extend the socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspective by arguing that SEW can be negatively associated with proactive stakeholder engagement (PSE). We further suggest that the SEW dimensions can be associated with positive or negative valence. Lastly, we propose that negatively valenced SEW dimensions lead to family centric behavior, which negatively affects PSE. This multifaceted conceptualization of SEW allows us to explain how family firms can partake in harmful stakeholder behaviors despite having seemingly strong SEW. Our paper suggests that SEW can be either an affective endowment or burden for family firms and their constituents.

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The Link Between Family Firm Dynamics, Image and Firm Performance

2011-11-06 , Memili, Esra , Kellermanns, Franz W. , Eddleston, Kimberley H. , Zellweger, Thomas

In this study, we draw upon organizational identity theory to examine factors that lead to the creation of family firm image and investigate how a family firm image impacts firm performance. We find that family firm pride, community social ties, and long-term orientation are positively associated with the likelihood that a firm portrays itself as a family business to consumers and stakeholders. In turn, we find that a family firm image benefits firm performance. Thus, our study demonstrates that by building a family firm image the unique family influences on the firm can be leveraged to create a competitive advantage for family firms.

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Transgenerational Entrepreneurship : exploring growth and performance in family firms across generations

2010 , Nordqvist, Mattias , Zellweger, Thomas

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From Longevity of Firms to transgenerational Entrepreneurship of Families : Introducing Family Entrepreneurial Orientation

2012-06 , Zellweger, Thomas , Nason, Robert S. , Nordqvist, M.

While existing research on the longevity of family firms has focused on the survival of firms, this article investigates transgenerational entrepreneurship of families. By building on the transgenerational entrepreneurship research framework, we argue that by shifting from firm to family level of analysis, we gain a deeper understanding of family firms' ability to create value across generations. We find evidence for our argument in that such a level shift reveals extended entrepreneurial activity which is missed when focusing exclusively on the firm level. We introduce and empirically explore the construct of family entrepreneurial orientation (FEO) which may serve as an antecedent to transgenerational value creation by families.

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How much and what kind of entrepreneurial orientation is needed for family business continuity?

2008-07-02 , Zellweger, Thomas , Mühlebach, Corinne , Sieger, Philipp

The present paper examines to what degree the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) construct is prolific in explaining business activity of firms with a transgenerational outlook. In particular, we are challenging the fundamental claim by entrepreneurship scholars that the more entrepreneurial a firm is, hence the higher it scores in the five EO dimensions, the more successful it should be in the long-run.

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Global Family Business Index

2023-01-16 , Zellweger, Thomas , Klein, Marie , Robertsson, Helena , Weber, Walter

The Global Family Business Index comprises the largest 500 family firms around the globe. It provides impressive evidence of the economic power and relevance of family firms in the world. The index is compiled by the Center for Family Business at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland, in cooperation with EY's Global Family Business Center of Excellence. URL: