Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Extending the Socioemotional Wealth Perspective: A Look at the dark Side
    (Wiley, 2012-11)
    Kellermanns, Franz W.
    Eddleston, Kimberley H.
    We extend the socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspective by arguing that SEW can be negatively associated with proactive stakeholder engagement (PSE). We further suggest that the SEW dimensions can be associated with positive or negative valence. Lastly, we propose that negatively valenced SEW dimensions lead to family centric behavior, which negatively affects PSE. This multifaceted conceptualization of SEW allows us to explain how family firms can partake in harmful stakeholder behaviors despite having seemingly strong SEW. Our paper suggests that SEW can be either an affective endowment or burden for family firms and their constituents.
    Scopus© Citations 327
  • Publication
    Exploring the Concept of Familiness : Introducing Family Firm Identity
    (Elsevier, 2010-03) ;
    Eddleston, Kimberley H.
    Kellermanns, Franz W.
    Our paper contributes to the overarching question: "How does the family contribute to firm success?" We add to the nomological net of the familiness construct, by reaching beyond the components of involvement and the essence approach and by introducing organizational identity as a third dimension of familiness. As such, we investigate which families are most likely to build familiness. Specifically, the organizational identity dimension of familiness reflects how the family defines and views the firm, which can facilitate performance advantages through leveraging familiness both internally and externally. Lastly, we discuss how the combinations of components of involvement, essence and identity dimensions of familiness interact and explain why and how some families are a key resource to their firms while others add little value to their organizations.
    Scopus© Citations 528