Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Entrepreneurial Orientation in long-lived Family Firms
    (Springer Science, 2012-01) ;
    We apply a key construct from the entrepreneurship field, entrepreneurial orientation (EO), in the context of long-lived family firms. Our qualitative in-depth case studies show that a permanently high level of the five EO dimensions is not a necessary condition for long-term success, as traditional entrepreneurship and EO literature implicitly suggest. Rather, we claim that the level of EO is dynamically adapted over time and that the original EO scales (autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness) do not sufficiently capture the full extent of entrepreneurial behaviors in long-lived family firms. Based on these considerations we suggest extending the existing EO scales to provide a more fine-grained depiction of firm-level corporate entrepreneurship in long-lived family firms
    Scopus© Citations 296
  • Publication
    How much and what kind of entrepreneurial orientation is needed for family business continuity?
    (International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), 2008-07-02) ;
    Mühlebach, Corinne
    The present paper examines to what degree the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) construct is prolific in explaining business activity of firms with a transgenerational outlook. In particular, we are challenging the fundamental claim by entrepreneurship scholars that the more entrepreneurial a firm is, hence the higher it scores in the five EO dimensions, the more successful it should be in the long-run.