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Service Competence and Firm Performance : Towards a Concept for Strategic Differentiation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

2008-09-01 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Schrettle, Thomas , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

Even though small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in world economies, strategic management research provides only limited insight into SME strategies. Scholars to date have mainly emphasized size-related disadvantages which small firms have to face in comparison to large corporations. In this paper we therefore argue that SMEs can gain competitive advantage through providing high quality services to their customers. Based on their service competence, long-term service relationships enable small business firms adapt to their services to changing business environments and to offer customized services and hence to outperform large corporations. To stay ahead of competitors, providers must have a bundle of dynamic capabilities to constantly reshape their activities and the way they operate. In this paper, we introduce service competence as a construct to describe these capabilities and develop a set of propositions on how organizational antecedents influence the service competence of an organization.

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Strategic Entrepreneurship : the promise for future entrepreneurship, family business and SME research?

2010 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

See also on the : [ website of the conference] Topics and Papers submitted for the conference 2010: Topic A: Strategic Entrepreneurship Selena Aureli Exploring Entrepreneurial Orientation and Strategic Awareness among Small Business Owner-Entrepreneurs Leo W. Chini Entrepreneurship und strategische Planung - ein Widerspruch? (Entrepreneurship and Strategic Planning - A Contradiction in Terms?) Jan Degadt Strategic Entrepreneurship in Family Business - Experience from Belgium Alexander Fust/Simon Grand/Urs Fueglistaller Customer-related Opportunity Discovery: An Entrepreneurial Perspective of the Early Innovation Process Stage Brian Gibson/K. Mark Weaver/Brent Gregory Enhancing Small Firms' Business Strategy through Improved Forecast Accuracy Egle Ruibyte/Antti Haahti/Ossi Pesämaa Influences of Market Orientation and Perceived Trust on Innovativeness and Performance in Tourism Networks Per-Anders Havnes Entrepreneurial Strategy in Start-up and Continuous Operation Michael Hilb/Tomas Casas i Klett Entrepreneurial Strategizing: Risk vs. Uncertainty Dialectics Bridging the Entrepreneurship / Strategy Divide - The Case of Private Equity Mirela Xheneti/Robert Blackburn Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE): An Analysis of Publications and Implications for the Development of the Field Topic B: Incubation and Startups Leo Paul Dana The Social Role of Entrepreneurship Strategies among Sámi Family SMEs Josef Mugler/Matthias Fink/Dietmar Rössl An Empirical Self-Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Researchers in the German Speaking World Katsuyuki Kamei Pursuit of Opportunity and Business Incubation - A Case Study on Entrepreneurs at Kyoto Research Park Tomoyo Kazumi Women Entrepreneurs' External Financial Access and Social Networks in Business Start-ups Charles H. Matthews/Imane Khayat Examining Nascent Entrepreneurs International Orientation as an Extension of their Innovation Activities Yu Niiya/Norika Taji Psychological Predictors of Entrepreneurial Interest in Japan Markku Virtanen Development of Opportunities in the Value Chain of Rural High Quality Restaurants: Case Tertti Manor Friederike Welter Entrepreneurship and Development - Do We Really Know Which Entrepreneurship Types Contribute (Most)? Cornelia Zanger/Mario Geissler Chancen bei der Entwicklung studentischer Unternehmensgründungen mit wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund (Opportunities in the Development of Student Academic Spin-Offs) Topic C: Venture Growth and Transition Rico J. Baldegger/Patrick E. Schueffel Measuring the Performance of International SMEs - A Scoping Study Carmine Bianchi/Graham W. Winch/Federico Cosenz Generalising Theories Explaining the Different Modes of SME Development and the Associated Growth Trajectories Olga Obraztsova/Alexander Chepurenko Entrepreneurship and Socio-Economic Development in Cross-Countries Analysis Alexander Kessler/Hermann Frank/Christian Korunka/Manfred Lueger Predicting Founding Success and New Venture Survival: A Longitudinal Study Hélène Laurell/Leona Achtenhagen/Svante Andersson The Internationalization Challenge - Enabling and Constraining Factors in the Medical-Technology Sector Sascha Ruhland Innovation in Viennese SMEs and Potential Consequences for Public Policy Michael T. Schaper Open Competition and The Entrepreneurial Process Lászlo Szerb/Siri Terjesen Measuring the Competitiveness of Small Businesses Thomas Zellweger/Franz W. Kellermanns/Kimberley Eddleston Building a Family Firm Image: How Family Firms can Capitalize on their Family Ties Topic D: Entrepreneurial Behaviour Tomas Casas i Klett/Michael Hilb The Living-Dead Trap: Non-rationally Sustained Ventures - A Keystone to Elucidate Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Emmanuelle Fauchart/Marc Gruber Darwinians, Communitarians and Missionaries: Exploring the Role of Founder Identity in Entrepreneurship Pitsamorn Kilenthong/Gerald E. Hills/Claes Hultman/Stanley L. Sclove Entrepreneurial Marketing Practice: Systematic Relationships with Firm Age, Firm Size, and Operator's Status Martin Lukes Are Entrepreneurs Distinct Innovators? A Detailed Look at Entrepreneurs' Innovative Behaviour in Four Countries Attila Petheo/Roland Zs. Szabó Entrepreneurial Behavior on the Edge: Key Strategic Factors that can Save You From Crises Reinhard Schulte Do Entrepreneurial Motivations Change when Establishing a New Venture? Wee-Liang Tan Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship Intentions

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Value Creation in Entrepreneurship and SMEs / Wertgenerierung durch Unternehmertum und KMU

2004 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

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Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (KMU) in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresbericht 2014

2015-02-04 , Weber, Walter , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Zellweger, Thomas Markus

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The real impact of reducing administrative burdens from the enterprises' and the economy's point of view - an explorative concept

2008-09-01 , Müller, Christoph , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

Müller, Christoph (2008): The real impact of reducing administrative burdens from the enterprises' and the economy's point of view - an explorative concept, in: Fueglistaller / T. Volery / W. Weber (Hrsg./Eds.): Innovation, Competi-tiveness, Growth and Tradition in SMEs, Papers presented to the Rencontres de St-Gall 2008, Beiträge zu den Rencontres de St-Gall 2008, KMU-Verlag HSG, 686 S., 16 Seiten.

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Innovation, Competitiveness, Growth and Tradition in SMEs, Papers presented to the Rencontres de St-Gall 2008, Beiträge zu den Rencontres de St-Gall 2008

2008 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

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Umbruch der Welt - KMU vor Höhenflug oder Absturz?

2002 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Pleitner, Hans Jobst , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

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In search of a dynamic equilibrium: exploring and managing tensions in entrepreneurship and SMEs : Rencontres de St-Gall 2012

2012 , Volery, Thierry , Fueglistaller, Urs , Zellweger, Thomas , Weber, Walter

Dieses Buch fasst die Beiträge zu den "Rencontres de St-Gall" 2012 zusammen. Die KMU-Forscherkonferenz fand vom 3.-5.September 2012 im Weiterbildungszentrum (WBZ) der Universität St.Gallen statt. [Beiträge siehe auch]

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Understanding the Regulatory Climate for Entrepreneurship and SMEs

2006 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

Papers presented to the Rencontres de St-Gall 2006, Beiträge zu den Rencontres de St-Galle 2006, Sept. 18.-21. 2006 (Wildhaus) [ Tagungsband komplett] [ KMU Verlag HSG] [ Bestellformular]

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Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (KMU) in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresbericht 2015

2016-02-04 , Weber, Walter , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Zellweger, Thomas Markus