Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
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Fit für den KMU-Alltag : 7x3 Fragen und Antworten zur erfolgreichen Unternehmensführung

2012 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Tinner, Roger , Weber, Walter

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Die KMU im 21. Jahrhundert - Impulse, Aussichten, Konzepte

2000 , Pleitner, Hans Jobst , Weber, Walter

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KMU und Familienunternehmen in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresberichte KMU-HSG und CFB-HSG 2019

2020-02 , Weber, Walter , Würsten, Matthias , Zellweger, Thomas , Fueglistaller, Urs

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Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (KMU) in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresbericht 2016

2017-02-20 , Weber, Walter , Zellweger, Thomas Markus , Fueglistaller, Urs

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Strategic Entrepreneurship : the promise for future entrepreneurship, family business and SME research?

2010 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

See also on the : [ website of the conference] Topics and Papers submitted for the conference 2010: Topic A: Strategic Entrepreneurship Selena Aureli Exploring Entrepreneurial Orientation and Strategic Awareness among Small Business Owner-Entrepreneurs Leo W. Chini Entrepreneurship und strategische Planung - ein Widerspruch? (Entrepreneurship and Strategic Planning - A Contradiction in Terms?) Jan Degadt Strategic Entrepreneurship in Family Business - Experience from Belgium Alexander Fust/Simon Grand/Urs Fueglistaller Customer-related Opportunity Discovery: An Entrepreneurial Perspective of the Early Innovation Process Stage Brian Gibson/K. Mark Weaver/Brent Gregory Enhancing Small Firms' Business Strategy through Improved Forecast Accuracy Egle Ruibyte/Antti Haahti/Ossi Pesämaa Influences of Market Orientation and Perceived Trust on Innovativeness and Performance in Tourism Networks Per-Anders Havnes Entrepreneurial Strategy in Start-up and Continuous Operation Michael Hilb/Tomas Casas i Klett Entrepreneurial Strategizing: Risk vs. Uncertainty Dialectics Bridging the Entrepreneurship / Strategy Divide - The Case of Private Equity Mirela Xheneti/Robert Blackburn Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE): An Analysis of Publications and Implications for the Development of the Field Topic B: Incubation and Startups Leo Paul Dana The Social Role of Entrepreneurship Strategies among Sámi Family SMEs Josef Mugler/Matthias Fink/Dietmar Rössl An Empirical Self-Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Researchers in the German Speaking World Katsuyuki Kamei Pursuit of Opportunity and Business Incubation - A Case Study on Entrepreneurs at Kyoto Research Park Tomoyo Kazumi Women Entrepreneurs' External Financial Access and Social Networks in Business Start-ups Charles H. Matthews/Imane Khayat Examining Nascent Entrepreneurs International Orientation as an Extension of their Innovation Activities Yu Niiya/Norika Taji Psychological Predictors of Entrepreneurial Interest in Japan Markku Virtanen Development of Opportunities in the Value Chain of Rural High Quality Restaurants: Case Tertti Manor Friederike Welter Entrepreneurship and Development - Do We Really Know Which Entrepreneurship Types Contribute (Most)? Cornelia Zanger/Mario Geissler Chancen bei der Entwicklung studentischer Unternehmensgründungen mit wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund (Opportunities in the Development of Student Academic Spin-Offs) Topic C: Venture Growth and Transition Rico J. Baldegger/Patrick E. Schueffel Measuring the Performance of International SMEs - A Scoping Study Carmine Bianchi/Graham W. Winch/Federico Cosenz Generalising Theories Explaining the Different Modes of SME Development and the Associated Growth Trajectories Olga Obraztsova/Alexander Chepurenko Entrepreneurship and Socio-Economic Development in Cross-Countries Analysis Alexander Kessler/Hermann Frank/Christian Korunka/Manfred Lueger Predicting Founding Success and New Venture Survival: A Longitudinal Study Hélène Laurell/Leona Achtenhagen/Svante Andersson The Internationalization Challenge - Enabling and Constraining Factors in the Medical-Technology Sector Sascha Ruhland Innovation in Viennese SMEs and Potential Consequences for Public Policy Michael T. Schaper Open Competition and The Entrepreneurial Process Lászlo Szerb/Siri Terjesen Measuring the Competitiveness of Small Businesses Thomas Zellweger/Franz W. Kellermanns/Kimberley Eddleston Building a Family Firm Image: How Family Firms can Capitalize on their Family Ties Topic D: Entrepreneurial Behaviour Tomas Casas i Klett/Michael Hilb The Living-Dead Trap: Non-rationally Sustained Ventures - A Keystone to Elucidate Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Emmanuelle Fauchart/Marc Gruber Darwinians, Communitarians and Missionaries: Exploring the Role of Founder Identity in Entrepreneurship Pitsamorn Kilenthong/Gerald E. Hills/Claes Hultman/Stanley L. Sclove Entrepreneurial Marketing Practice: Systematic Relationships with Firm Age, Firm Size, and Operator's Status Martin Lukes Are Entrepreneurs Distinct Innovators? A Detailed Look at Entrepreneurs' Innovative Behaviour in Four Countries Attila Petheo/Roland Zs. Szabó Entrepreneurial Behavior on the Edge: Key Strategic Factors that can Save You From Crises Reinhard Schulte Do Entrepreneurial Motivations Change when Establishing a New Venture? Wee-Liang Tan Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship Intentions

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KMU und Familienunternehmen in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresberichte KMU-HSG und CFB-HSG 2021

2021-02 , Weber, Walter , Sigg, Sebastian , Fueglistaller, Urs , Hatak, Isabella , Zellweger, Thomas

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Klein- und Mittelunternehmen in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresbericht 2018

2019-02-12 , Weber, Walter , Zellweger, Thomas Markus , Fueglistaller, Urs

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Innovation, Competitiveness, Growth and Tradition in SMEs, Papers presented to the Rencontres de St-Gall 2008, Beiträge zu den Rencontres de St-Gall 2008

2008 , Fueglistaller, Urs , Volery, Thierry , Weber, Walter

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KMU und Familienunternehmen in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresberichte KMU-HSG und CFB-HSG 2020

2021-02-23 , Weber, Walter , Würsten, Matthias , Zellweger, Thomas , Fueglistaller, Urs , Hatak, Isabella

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Klein- und Mittelunternehmen in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis – Jahresbericht 2017

2018-02-28 , Weber, Walter , Zellweger, Thomas Markus , Fueglistaller, Urs