Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Current practice in mobile work
    ( 2005-02-17)
    Brodt, Torsten
  • Publication
    Best Practise and Success Factors of Mobile Work
    ( 2005)
    Brodt, Torsten
    This report discusses the current practice of mobile ways of working, addressing important management and organizational challenges in creating systems change. Within the research under discussion, 16 in-depth case studies of mobile work across various countries and industries in Europe have been conducted and analysed. Based on the in-depth case assessment, the authors produce a valid picture of a) the status quo of mobile work in terms of technologies used and value created and b) the key enablers and bottlenecks that practitioners experience when implementing new and mobile work environments.
  • Publication
    Managing Mobile Work - Insights from European Practice
    (Blackwell Publishing, 2007)
    Brodt, Torsten
    Verburg, Robert
    This article features a number of enablers and barriers for the successful introduction of mobile work initiatives. ICT enabled mobile work environments are an emerging phenomenon in Europe. On basis of current theory and the empirical analysis of five selected case studies from a large European research project both facilitating factors and possible obstructions are illustrated and discussed.
  • Publication
    Managing a Mobile Workforce: Insights from Practice
    ( 2006-01-25)
    Verburg, Robert
    Brodt, Torsten
    This article features a number of enablers and barriers for the successful introduction of mobile work initiatives. ICT enabled mobile work environments are an emerging phenomenon in many industries and sectors. On basis of current theory and the empirical analysis of five selected case studies from a large European research project both facilitating factors and possible obstructions are illustrated and discussed. So far, mobile work research is scarce and limited to singular and distinctive case studies. A systematic assessment of current types, practices and applications is missing. The authors aim to fill this gap by providing a structured assessment of cross-industry cases in order to distillate a number of critical success factors of mobile work in practice.
  • Publication
    Mobile Workplaces and Innovative Business Practice
    (Springer, 2005)
    Schaffers, Hans
    Carver, Liz
    Brodt, Torsten
    Fernando, Terence
    Slagter, Robert
    Andriessen, J. H. Erik
  • Publication
    Managing Mobile Work - Insights from European Practise
    (IOS Press, 2005-10-17)
    Brodt, Torsten
    Verburg, Robert
    Cunningham, Paul
    Cunningham, Miriam
    This article introduces the nature and practice of managing mobile work in Europe. On basis of empirical analysis of five selected case studies from a large European research project, a number of enablers and barriers for the successful introduction of mobile work initiatives are presented and discussed. So far, research in the area of mobile work is limited to a few, often singular, case studies and lacks a systematic assessment of current types, practices and applications. The authors aim to fill this gap by providing a structured assessment of cross-industry cases to distillate a number of critical success factors of mobile work in practice.