Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Mobile Video Broadcasting
    ( 2004-12-09)
    Brodt, Torsten
  • Publication
    Identified Customer Requirements In Mobile Video Markets - A Pan-European Case
    (IDEA Group Publishing (IGP), 2006)
    Brodt, Torsten
    Unhelkar, Bhuvan
    Due to a significant cost advantage, mobile multicasting technology bears the potential to achieve extensive diffusion of mobile rich media applications. As weak performance of previous mobile data services suggests, past developments have focused on technology and missed customer preferences. Mobile multicasting represents a radical innovation. Currently, little insight on consumer behaviour exists regarding such services. This chapter presents results of qualitative and quantitative field research conducted in three countries. It provides a continuous customer integration approach that applies established methods of market research to the creation of mobile services. Means-end chain analysis reveals consumers' cognitive reasoning and conjoint analysis drills down to the importance of service attributes. Desire for self confidence and social integration are identified key motivators for consumption of mobile media. Services should aim for technological perfection and deliver actual and entertaining content. Interestingly, consumers appreciate reduced but tailored contents and price appears not to be a superseding criterion.