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  • Publication
    PathMate: Effects of Ubiquitous Healthcare Information Systems on Performance of Obesity Expert and Teenager Teams
    ( 2013-10-21)
    The prevalence of overweight and obesity in childhood has increased dramatically over the last decade (Sassi 2010). The PathMate project has therefore the objective to build and evaluate a healthcare information system (HIS) that has direct effects on the performance of obesity expert and teenager teams and indirect effects on the outcomes of obesity programs in Switzerland. A structured design-science methodology for the development of the HIS is adopted (Janzen et al. 2010). Design workshops with eight overweight children, their parents and obesity experts were conducted. A pretest has shown that the HIS supports perceived group cohesion and that the children are emotionally activated during HIS use and that this arousal had a positive valence. Methodological questions are discussed with regard to transdisciplinary research approaches.
  • Publication
    Design and Preliminary Evaluation of a Mobile Application for Obesity Experts and Children Teams (Poster)
    ( 2013-09-12) ;
    Büchter, Dirk
    Pletikosa Cvijikj, Irena
    Xu, Runhua
    Brogle, Björn
    Dintheer, Anneco
    Wiegand, Dunja
    l'Allemand, Dagmar
    Childhood obesity is one of the major disease patterns of the twenty-first century. Due to the need for multi-professional therapies requiring intensive personnel and financial resources, IT-supported interventions promise help. Meta analyses, however, show their limited impact on health outcomes up till now. The current work aims therefore to design and evaluate a mobile application that in-creases the cooperation between obesity experts and children. For that purpose, four IT experts, five therapists, nine obese children 10 to 14 years old and their parents adopted a structured design-science methodology. Perceived characteristics of the application and direct effects on cooperation of therapists and children were evaluated. The resulting application provides recipe recommendations based on ingredients available at home and desired by children. It further allows to document groceries and meals via a photo functionality. All interactions with the application were recorded to document screen time and utilization for efficient shopping and healthy meals. First feedback from seven therapists, six children and their parents indicates that the application is perceived useful, easy and fun to use. With regard to direct effects on the cooperation between obesity expert and children teams, there is evidence that the appli-cation supports shared understanding and cross understanding. Future work will incorporate further components of therapy programs, such as physi-cal activity or relaxation, but will also investigate in a longitudinal field study how the use of this application within a therapy program influences health condition of obese children.