Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    ICT-induced Changes to Business Relationships in Air Traffic Management
    ( 2014-06-08)
    Breitenmoser, Pablo
    Eurich, Markus
    Huizingh, K.R.E.
    Conn, S.
    Torkkeli, M.
    Bitran, I.
    Technological innovations and process redesign are underway in order to increase efficiency in air traffic management (ATM). However, full value appropriation is only possible by additional modifications to the fundamental model of the ATM business. The goal of this study is to complement the technological research with a business perspective on value creation, particularly on the relationships of ATM business roles in Europe. On the basis of eleven expert interviews, this study reveals that the current business role relationships need to change. However, there is no first mover advantage and a participation dilemma hinders the transformation. New entrants, like data repository providers and data processors, may enter the ATM market. The results can support decision makers of ATM service providers and representatives of legal and regulatory bodies to enable and motivate change for an efficient and safe future air transportation system in Europe.
  • Publication
    Towards a Unified Business Model Vocabulary: A Proposition of Key Constructs
    (Faculty of Engineering, University of Talca, 2014-01-01)
    The design of business models is of decisive importance and as such it has been a major research theme in service and particularly electronic markets. Today, different definitions of the term and ideas of core constructs of business models exist. In this paper we present a unified vocabulary for business models that builds upon the elementary perception of three existing, yet very dissimilar ontologies for modeling the essence of a business. The resulting unified business model vocabulary not only condenses existing knowledge, but also tries to concatenate and (thematically) group the identified constructs into domain, enterprise, and value concepts. The resulting vocabulary helps business model designers in shaping the basic notions of their businesses.
  • Publication
    Why innovation in air navigation services is so difficult in Europe - A study identifying current obstacles and potential ICT enablers
    ( 2013-08-06)
    Breitenmoser, Pablo
    Eurich, Markus
    The Air Navigation Service (ANS) industry has not experienced many major technological innovations in the last decades. Despite its indisputable contribution to economic welfare, it relies on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that lag way behind their current technological potential. Yet, it is not well understood what exactly restrains ANS providers from introducing novel ICT systems despite the legacy ICT in use which reaches the end of its life-cycle. On the basis of an interview series with managers in the ANS industry, this study sheds light on the various barriers that hinder the diffusion of technological innovation. Our findings suggest that the stagnation in technological innovation cannot be ascribed to one single obstacle, but rather to intertwining political, economic, social and technological aspects. This study concludes by proposing ICT approaches to tackle the identified barriers. The analysis of obstacles and potential ICT enablers can support decision makers of ANS providers and can enable business transformations in the ANS industry. ICT researchers can use this study as a help for developing ANS technologies, and business researchers can focus on specific incentives to foster innovation.