Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Measuring and managing productivity: Digitally supported service designs and business models
    The tourism and hospitality sector faces challenges related to stagnant labor productivity and relatively low wages. A key issue lies in the lack of a clear understanding of productivity in services and in tourism specifically. However, the ongoing digitization is transforming the industry. On one hand, technology has the potential to enhance efficiency of processes and systems at an operational level. On the other hand, it provides essential data for systematic productivity measurement and management. This data-driven approach offers valuable insights into optimizing resource allocation (including land, capital, and labor) at a strategic level. Companies can refine process designs and business models by optimizing the deployment of skilled labour, technological tools, and self-service options. Looking ahead, tourism and hospitality enterprises should leverage real-time data to benchmark and enhance their productivity.
  • Publication
    One solution fitting many problems: Improving the productivity of service designs
    Many travel and tourism enterprises are confronted with low margins and low profitability. Value is insufficiently 'captured' and often lost to intermediaries. In the recent past, many tourism and hospitality processes only could create value at all because they had access to favorable production factors. However, in the aftermath of the pandemic and due to demographic changes, key production factors (land, capital, labor) have become scarce and thus expensive. Processes must therefore be increasingly aligned with the available and often scarce human and financial resources: 'design to resources'. Improving effectivity and efficiency of systems and processes is key to improving service (and customer) productivity in tourism and hospitality. Insights from literature and practice show, that digitization and technology are key drivers.