Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Understanding the Death Benefit Switch Option in Universal Life Policies
    ( 2008) ;
    Hoermann, Gudrun
    Universal life policies are the most popular insurance contract design in the United States. They have either a level death benefit paying a fixed face amount, or an increasing death benefit, which additionally pays the available cash value, and both types include the option to switch from one to the other. In this paper, we are interested in the fact that--unlike a switch from level to increasing--a switch from increasing to level death benefit requires neither fees nor additional evidence of insurability. To assess the impact of the death benefit switch option, we develop a model framework of increasing universal life policies embedding the option. Consideration of mortality heterogeneity via a stochastic frailty factor allows an investigation of adverse exercise behavior. In a comprehensive simulation analysis, we quantify the net present value of the option from the insurer's perspective using risk-neutral valuation under stochastic interest rates assuming empirical exercise probabilities. Based on our results, we provide policy recommendations for life insurers.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Diversification in Financial Conglomerates
    (I.VW-HSG, 2008-06-30) ;
    In an environment of increasingly frequent consolidation activity, the advantages and risks of corporate diversification are of great interest to regulatory authorities, financial group management and management of individual group entities. In general, conglomeration leads to a diversification of risks (the diversification benefit) and to a decrease in shareholder value (the conglomerate discount). Diversification benefits in financial conglomerates are typically derived without accounting for reduced shareholder value, even though a comprehensive analysis requires competitive conditions within the conglomerate, i.e.shareholders and debtholders receive risk-adequate returns
  • Publication
    Optimal Risk Classification
    (Institut für Versicherungswirtschaft, 2009-04-15) ;
    Hoermann, Gudrun
  • Publication
    Risk and Capital Transfer in Insurance Groups
    (Springer, 2008-12-23) ;
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of capital and risk transfer instruments (CRTIs) on a financial group's risk situation. In this respect, we extend previous literature by accounting for the conglomerate discount on firm value, which is a reduction in shareholder value due to diversification within the group. In general, CRTIs between parent and subsidiaries have a substantial effect on the diversification of risks, economic capital requirements, and default risk, which we study in detail for different types of CRTIs, including intra-group retrocession and guarantees. One main finding is that diversification effects within the group are much lower when taking into account conglomerate discount effects. We believe this aspect to be an important issue in the ongoing discussion on group solvency regulation and enterprise risk management.
    Scopus© Citations 1
  • Publication
    The Impact of the Secondary Market on Life Insurers' Surrender Profits
    (American Risk and Insurance Association, Inc., 2009-12) ;
    Hoermann, Gudrun
    Life insurers often claim that the life settlement industry reduces their surrender profits and leads to an adverse shift in their portfolio of insured risks, i.e., bad risks remain in the portfolio instead of surrendering. In this paper, we aim to quantify the effect of altered surrender behavior--subject to the health status of an insured--in a portfolio of life insurance contracts on the surrender profits of primary insurers. Our model includes mortality heterogeneity by applying a stochastic frailty factor to a mortality table. In the course of our investigation, we additionally analyze the impact of the premium payment method by comparing results for annual and single premium payments.
    Scopus© Citations 24
  • Publication
    A Performance Analysis of Participating Life Insurance Contracts
    (Elsevier, 2013-07) ;
    Faust, Roger
    Alexandra, Zemp
    Participating life insurance contracts are one of the most important products in the European life insurance market. Even though these contract forms are very common, only very little research has been conducted in respect to their performance. Hence, we conduct a performance analysis to provide a decision support for policyholders. We decompose a participating life insurance contract in a term life insurance and a savings part and simulate the cash flow distribution of the latter. Simulation results are compared with cash flows resulting from two benchmarks investing in the same portfolio of assets but without investment guarantees and bonus distribution schemes, in order to measure the impact of these two product features. To provide a realistic picture within the two alternatives, we take transaction costs and wealth transfers between different groups of policyholders into account. We show that the payoff distribution strongly depends on the initial reserve situation and managerial discretion. Results indicate that policyholders will in general profit from a better payoff distribution of the participating life insurance compared to a mutual fund benchmark but not compared to an exchange-traded fund benchmark portfolio.
    Scopus© Citations 7