Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Towards a Conceptual Framework for Loadspace Shipment Sharing
    The road freight transport is one of the principal generators of traffic jam costs in German-speaking countries. In these markets the road freight transport on the one hand is under high competition pressure and, at the other hand has a high rate of empty capacities. The focus needs to switch from limited efficiency potentials (mainly utilization-based) of a single fleet operator to higher efficiency potentials within the community of fleet operators. The road freight transport market, however, lacks possibilities to foster the utilization of trucks. Sharing economy concepts and their applications yet only can be found in related areas (e.g. car-sharing). Inspired by the ability and readiness of the general cargo cooperation to share shipments within the cooperation as well as already applied sharing economy concepts in related fields (e.g. car-sharing) the concept of loadspace shipment sharing builds its basis. The concept focusses on the sharing of loadspaces and shipments within a community of fleet operators. A design science research approach is applied to include theory- as well as practice-based information. A short literature review is performed, and empirical data gathered through semi-structured interviews. The paper provides a conceptual framework considering the prototype of the concept as well as insights into the concept elements, their functionalities and key tasks.
  • Publication
    Start a pilot project togehter?! But how?
    (Digital Hub Logistics, 2021)
    Kille, Christian
    Schmidt, Thorsten
    Stölzle, Wolfgang
  • Publication
    Digitalisierungswerkzeuge in der Logistik: Einsatzpotenziale, Reifegrad und Wertbeitrag
    (Cuvillier Verlag, 2018)
    Stölzle, Wolfgang
    Schmidt, Thorsten
    Kille, Christian
    Schulze, Frank
  • Publication
    Loadspace Shipment Sharing in Road Freight Communities
    (Universität St. Gallen, 2021-09-20)
    Purpose: Road freight transport is one of the principal generators of Swiss traffic jam costs, accounts for significant CO2 emissions, is under high margin pressure, and has significant unutilized loadspaces. Despite the fleet operators use of tools such as transport management systems, and join general cargo cooperations to increase their efficiency, the issue of unutilized loadspaces remains significant. Especially, small and medium-sized fleet operators have to tap further efficiency potentials through network effects of the fleet operator community. This could be achieved through a sharing concept such as the loadspace shipment sharing in fleet operator communities. As no such sharing concept is known, this thesis has researched and developed the loadspace shipment-sharing concept for fleet operator communities. Design/methodology/approach: Since a research and development methodology for the load-space shipment sharing could not be found, this thesis has developed a suitable and robust research and development approach. In the first step, the loadspace shipment sharings con-cept elements are derived via a design science research-led approach. In the second step, the concept elements are elaborated via an action research-led approach. Findings: The research and development of the loadspace shipment sharing have resulted in eight concept elements, which are divided into business model-relevant and other elements. The transparency builds the foundation of the sharing concept, enabling the fleet operators to tap the community-based efficiency potential. Additionally, the elaborated business model-relevant and other concept elements are required to achieve the desired increase in loadspace utilization in the fleet operating communities. Research limitations: The developed and applied research and development methodology is considered suitable and robust. The qualitative research approach, however, is limitated by its sample size, geographic focus and subjective interpretation. By conducting additional inter-views and focus group dicussions, further insights into the sharing concept could be gained and integrated into the concept. Theoretical and practical implications: On one hand, the developed research and development methodology is suggested for inclusion in the literature for future research and development regarding sharing concepts. On the other hand, the elaborated loadspace shipment-sharing concept is recommended to managers of small and medium-sized fleet operators for imple-mentation to ease their challenging situation. Originality/value: Loadspace shipment sharing represents an innovation since it differentiates itself from existing efficiency-increasing concepts, such as general cargo cooperation or freight exchange. The developed methodology and elaborated sharing concept reflect high originality, as these could not yet be identified in literature or practice. Whereas the developed methodology contributes to the literature, the elaborated sharing concept brings relief to small and medium-sized fleet operators operations that are under high margin pressure.
  • Publication
    Über die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von Corporates und Start-ups
    (VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 2021)
    Schmidt, Thorsten
    Kille, Christoph
    Stölzle, Wolfgang
  • Publication
    Mittelständische Logistiker müssen digitalisieren
    (Deutscher Fachverlag, 2018)
    Stölzle, Wolfgang