Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    Business value of in-memory technology - multiple-case study insights
    (Emerald, 2014) ;
    Otto, Boris
    Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to assess the business value of in-memory computing technology by analyzing its organizational impact in different application scenarios. Design/methodology/approach - This research applies a multiple-case study methodology analyzing five cases of in-memory computing application scenarios in five large European industrial and service-sector companies. Findings - Results show that in-memory computing can deliver business value in various applications ranging from advanced analytic insights to support of real-time processes. This enables higher-level organizational advantages like data-driven decision making, superior transparency of operations, and experience with Big Data technology. The findings are summarized in a business value generation model which captures the business benefits along with preceding enabling changes in the organizational environment. Practical implications - Results aid managers in identifying different application scenarios where in-memory computing technology may generate value for their organizations from business and IT management perspectives. The research also sheds light on the socio-technical factors that influence the likelihood of success or failure of in-memory computing initiatives. Originality/value - This research is among the first to model the business value creation process of in-memory technology based on insights from multiple implemented applications in different industries. Paper type Case Study
    Scopus© Citations 20
  • Publication
    Classifying Flexibility Types in Smart Electric Distribution Grids: a Taxonomy
    (International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2016-06-14) ;
    Drayer, Elisabeth
    Daniluk, Damian
    Otto, Boris
    Vanet, Emmanuelle
    Caire, Raphael
    Shamsi Abbas, Tayyab
    Lisanti, Bruno
    This paper proposes a classification scheme for the different types of flexibilities that are used in electric grids. This classification scheme, which is called a taxonomy, helps to convey the meaning of different concepts of flexibility in research and industrial projects. It also allows to compare the sources and uses of flexibility in conventional vs. smart grid situations to highlight the evolving nature of the power system.
  • Publication
    Linking Service- and Capability-Driven Design - Towards a Framework for Designing Digital Businesses
    (Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2016-03-09) ;
    Leveling, Jens
    Otto, Boris
    Nissen, Volker
    Stelzer, Dirk
    Straßburger, Steffen
    Fischer, Daniel
    The digitization of the economy and society requires enterprises from all industries to revisit their business models and prepare their organizations for the digital age. The design of "smart" products and services, the involvement of prosumers, and the intensifying interconnection of supply chains are signs of this transformation. Each of these scenarios builds on improved availability and interchangeability of data. In order to successfully transform their business and be able to develop valuable new services, companies require methodological help. To address this need, this paper proposes a service-capability design framework for digital businesses. The framework is developed theoretically based on the literature and earlier research and consists of a meta-model and a high-level reference model. The framework is retroactively applied to a real-world digital use case to demonstrate its validity.
  • Publication
    Proposing a Capability Perspective on Digital Business Models
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2015-07-13) ;
    Otto, Boris
    Business models comprehensively describe the functioning of businesses in contemporary economic, technological, and societal environments. This paper focuses on the characteristics of digital business models from the perspective of capability research and develops a capability model for digital businesses. Following the design science research (DSR) methodology, multiple evaluation and design iterations were performed. Contributions to the design process came from IS/IT practice and the research base on business models and capabilities.
    Scopus© Citations 40
  • Publication
    Digital Business Engineering: Methodological Foundations and First Experiences from the Field
    ( 2015-06-07)
    Otto, Boris
    Steinbuß, Sebastian
    Digitization is affecting almost all areas of business and society. It brings about opportunities for enterprises to design a digital business model. While a significant amount of research exist examining the conceptual foundation of business models in general, no comprehensive approach is available that helps enterprises in designing a digital business model. This paper addresses this gap and proposes Digital Business Engineering as a method for digital business model design. The activities are structured into six phases, namely End-to-End Customer Design, Business Ecosystem Design, Digital Product/Service Design, Digital Capability Design, Data Mapping, and Digital Technology Architecture Design. The method development follows principles of design-oriented research. Five case studies are used to analyse method requirements and evaluate it within is natural context.
  • Publication
    Extending the Electricity Marketplace to Distribution Entities
    (International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2014-06-11) ;
    Lisanti, Bruno
    Kamphuis, René
    Caire, Raphael
    Otto, Boris
    Daniluk, Damian
    The DREAM FP7 RTD project develops solutions for active distribution energy networks with integrated distributed renewable energy resources. It is a collaborative research project with a project duration of 36 months (2013 - 2016) involving R&D institutions, ICT and manufacturing industry partners, and DSOs. Over the course of the project, 12 partners from seven European countries work on the foundations for a novel heterarchical management approach of electric power grids based on agent systems and considering current and future designs of electricity market systems. The present paper describes market specific results from the initial phase of the project and discusses challenges and solution approaches associated with the creation of a new electricity distribution scenario. [ Paper download link] [ CIRED workshop 2014 link]
  • Publication
    Business and Data Management Capabilities for the Digital Economy : White Paper
    (Own publication, 2015-05-01) ;
    Otto, Boris
    Gizanis, Dimitrios
    Buzzwords like big data, the Internet of Things, mobile computing, or Industry 4.0 all build on the conviction that the importance of data and information will keep growing both for businesses and for society as a whole. Data management departments need to revise their existing architectures and processes to get ready for the new require-ments, for example regarding data availability, data integration, and data credibility. The report builds on insights collected from the CC CDQ workshops and bilateral pro-jects taking place in 2014. It aims at providing data managers of medium and large enterprises from all industries with useful background information and practical guid-ance for their journey towards the digital economy. More precisely, the report - contributes to a common understanding of the major technological, economic and social drivers behind the evolution of the "digital economy", - specifies the implications the digital economy has on data management re-quirements, - shows how companies react to these new requirements in five short exemplary cases, - presents a business and data management capability framework for companies operating in the digital economy, and - describes a possible roadmap for data managers to follow on their company's journey towards digitization.