Now showing 1 - 10 of 30
  • Publication
    Mobile recommendations based on interest prediction from consumer's installed apps–insights from a large-scale field study
    ( 2017)
    Frey, Remo Manuel
    Xu, Runhua
    Ammendola, Christian
    Moling, Omar
    Giglio, Giuseppe
  • Publication
    Understanding the Impact of Personality Traits on Mobile App Adoption – Insights from a Large-Scale Field Study
    (Elsevier, 2016-09)
    Xu, Runhua
    Frey, Remo M.
    The sheer amount of available apps allows users to customize smartphones to match their personality and interests. As one of the first large-scale studies, the impact of personality traits on mobile app adoption was examined through an empirical study involving 2043 Android users. A mobile app was developed to assess each smartphone user’s personality traits based on a state-of-the-art Big Five questionnaire and to collect information about her installed apps. The contributions of this work are two-fold. First, it confirms that personality traits have significant impact on the adoption of different types of mobile apps. Second, a machine-learning model is developed to automatically determine a user's personality based on her installed apps. The predictive model is implemented in a prototype app and shows a 65% higher precision than a random guess. Additionally, the model can be deployed in a non-intrusive, low privacy-concern, and highly scalable manner as part of any mobile app.
    Scopus© Citations 142
  • Publication
    Understanding Data Volume Problems of RFID-enabled Supply Chains
    (Emerald, 2010-10-18) ;
    Grössbauer, Andrea
    Michahelles, Florian
    Purpose - The widespread application of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags in supply chains is said to cause enormous data volume problems that could render RFID event?driven supply chains unmanageable. An unbiased and quantitative understanding of the characteristics and extent of these data volume problems is necessary to identify and remove adoption barriers. This paper aims to address the issues. Design/methodology/approach - The paper presents a simulation study based on a real?world scenario that reveals quantitative characteristics of the data volumes problem in an RFID?enabled supply chain and discusses its implications. Findings - The results suggest that data volumes will be much lower than currently assumed by practitioners. Thus, this work can be seen as a first basis for eliminating unjustified adoption concerns regarding data volumes complexity. However, it finds that the data volume problems bear still significant challenges for researchers and developers of RFID infrastructures with real?time decision?making applications. Research limitations/implications - The simulation study is based on a single product case study of a retail supply chain in Europe. Since a simulation is always a simplification of the real world, the results need to be interpreted carefully in different contexts. The nature and extent of the problem might vary across different products, industries and geographic regions. Practical implications - Researchers, end?users and solution providers might use our paper as a guideline how to approach and quantify the data volume problem in their particular case. Moreover, the result data can be used to benchmark and optimize RFID applications. Originality/value - This paper is one of the first scholarly works that analyze RFID data volume problems in supply chains with a quantitative methodology.
    Scopus© Citations 13
  • Publication
    Increased Supply Chain Visibility with Rule-Based Analysis of RFID Data
    (IEEE, 2009-01-18) ;
    Andersen, Thomas
    Michahelles, Florian
    RFID technology tracks the flow of physical items and goods in supply chains to help users detect inefficiencies, such as shipment delays, theft, or inventory problems. An inevitable consequence, however, is that it generates huge numbers of events. To exploit these large amounts of data, the supply chain visualizer increases supply-chain visibility by analyzing RFID data, using a mix of automated analysis techniques and human effort. The tool's core concepts include rule-based analysis techniques and a map-based representation interface. With these features, it lets users visualize the supply-chain structure, together with performance metrics, and detect problematic hot spots.
  • Publication
    The Value of RFID Information for RTI Management
    (Springer, 2009-08-18) ;
    Ng, Jason
    Bowman, Paul
    Staake, Thorsten
    Returnable transport items (RTIs) are key elements for enabling a smooth flow of goods throughout supply chains. Despite their importance, RTIs can be prone to high loss and breakage rates. Today's RTI management processes are rather inefficient and are based on estimates about when, where and how RTIs are utilised. This limited visibility inevitably causes the involved parties to feel less responsible for the proper management of RTIs. As a consequence, inefficiencies created by a single party can result in a significant cost burden for the whole supply chain. The goal of this paper is therefore to explore the impact of increased asset visibility on the RTI management process. We describe a solution based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and quantify its financial impact from each individual stakeholder's perspective. Our findings suggest that RFID can provide a powerful means to counter inefficiencies in the RTI management process and improve the overall effectiveness of the RTI supply chain network.
    Scopus© Citations 42
  • Publication
    Using Sensor Information to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Perishable Goods
    (IEEE, 2009-01-18) ;
    Staake, Thorsten
    Sensors enhance the control of perishable goods. New applications not only help to increase profits but also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. An abatement cost analysis examines the trade-offs between profit maximization and emission minimization.
    Scopus© Citations 74
  • Publication
    (AIS eLibrary, 2019)
    Hübner, Johannes
    Vuckovac, Denis
    The financial services industry is undergoing a massive transformation similar to what was observed when other industries underwent digitization. The FinTech revolution has given rise to a vast number of technology-oriented market entrants who challenge many parts of the financial services industry. This research seeks to provide a better understanding of how FinTechs across various business functions fundamentally impact the value chain in this industry. To this end, we built on top of financial intermediation theory, and developed a taxonomy of FinTechs’ intermediating functions. The following hierarchical clustering analysis identified six archetypes of FinTech intermediaries as observed in the real world, i.e. the different ways in which FinTechs across business functions act as financial intermediaries by transforming assets, reducing transaction cost, and alleviating information asymmetries. Finally, we discuss how FinTechs impact financial intermediation in itself, and to what extent the notion of FinTechs disintermediating the financial value chain is accurate.
  • Publication
    Digital Receipts: Fostering Mobile Payment Adoption
    (Springer, 2013-12-03)
    Michahelles, Florian
    Apostu, Silviu
    ; ;
    Wichert, Reiner
    Collier, Rem
    Keyson, David
    Ali Salah, Albert
    Tan, Ah-Hwee
    Mobile payment adoption remains low. This paper presents a user-study that evaluates whether providing digital receipts in-store to customers could drive mobile payment adoption. Our results reveal that although our smart phone based payment and digital receipt processes took up to 60% longer than getting paper receipts and paying with cash, users perceived the digital receipt approach as fun, useful, and even time-saving. These insights may help drive adoption of mobile payment systems.
    Scopus© Citations 2
  • Publication
    Efficient Encoding and Transmission of Digital Receipts for mobile Commerce
    Making receipts digital creates a new dialog between customers, retailers, and brands, allowing them to discuss products and purchases in real-time. However, the transmission of digital receipts is still a problem, since often Internet connectivity is not available at the point of sale which hampers a real-time interaction. To overcome this problem with current technology, this paper presents a way to efficiently transmit a complete receipt in a QR-code, a certain kind of 2D matrix code (often also called "2D barcode"). Thereby, only a smartphone equipped with a camera is needed and Internet connectivity is not a problem anymore. However, due to size constraints, the encoding of a full receipt needs to be as efficient as possible. We present a custom, domain-specific encoding that was developed exactly for this purpose and show that our prototype implementation performs better than sophisticated, general purpose compression algorithms on this kind of data.
  • Publication
    Decreasing false-positive RFID Tag Reads by Improved Portal Antenna Setups
    (IEEE, 2012-10-24) ;
    Thiesse, Frederic
    The problem of false-positive RFID tag reads i.e., tags that have been read unintentionally by a reader, is crucial for the actual implementation of RFID solutions in the real world. Prior research has shown that the use of the low-level reader data is suitable to approach this problem and it is the scope of this paper to evaluate the use of alternative RFID reader antenna setups to support this idea. We collected a large number of data in a productive RFID enabled distribution center, derived additional knowledge from our findings and used it to train a machine learning algorithm for the detection of such false-positive reads. It will be shown that the proposed solutions significantly improve the previously in the literature presented classification algorithms.
    Scopus© Citations 20