Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Swiss Trade Monitor - 1st Quarterly Report 2024
    The Quarterly Reports of the Swiss Trade Monitor document time trends in Switzerland's foreign goods and services trade of the most recent completed quarter. Not only are exports and imports considered in total, but these are broken down to provide a detailed analysis of Switzerland's trade development with its largest trading partners and most important product groups. Due to differences in data release schedules, the first edition of 2024 sheds light on the first quarter of the year for goods trade and the fourth quarter for services trade. Here are some key observations: -- Switzerland's foreign goods trade in Q1 2024 was about eight percent lower than in Q1 of 2023. Both imports and exports fell by eight percent. -- While pharma exports declined significantly, imports grew in a YoY-comparison with Q1 of 2023. Large declines in mineral fuels (HS-27) decreased both imports and exports. This partially reflects price changes. -- While goods trade with nations such as Italy and especially Slovenia flourishes, volumes with key partners such as Germany, France, China, or Spain are declining. -- In contrast to the development observed with goods trade, the report shows that Swiss services trade is growing strongly - both on the export and import side. -- Growth in Swiss services imports is mainly driven by transportation services while exports of ICT and tourism services are growing strongly.
  • Publication
    Swiss Trade Monitor - 2nd Quarterly Report 2024
    The Quarterly Reports of the Swiss Trade Monitor document time trends in Switzerland's foreign goods and services trade of the most recent completed quarter. Not only are exports and imports considered in total, but these are broken down to provide a detailed analysis of Switzerland's trade development with its largest trading partners and most important product groups. Due to differences in data release schedules, the second edition of 2024 sheds light on the second quarter of the year for goods trade and the first quarter for services trade. Here are some key observations: --- Switzerland's foreign goods trade in Q2 2024 was about six percent higher than in Q2 of 2023. Exports (+8 percent) grew faster than imports (+3 percent). Switzerland's quarterly goods exports surplus reached an all-time high of 16.2 billion Francs. --- Both on the export and import side, pharmaceutical products stand out for high values and growth rates. While chemicals exports increased strongly as well, watch exports continue to stagnate. --- Among trade partners, Slovenia again stands out. Both exports and imports grew at outstanding rates. --- Exports and imports of services in Q1 of 2024 were slightly higher than in 2023 with growth rates of 2 and 5 percent, respectively. --- Growth in Swiss services imports is mainly driven by the United States and transportation services while exports of ICT and tourism services are growing significantly.
  • Publication
    Swiss Trade Monitor - 14 - Dynamic Gravity
    ( 2024-08-05) ;
    Florian Helbig
    The so-called gravity model of trade holds that nations trade most with countries that (i) have a large GDP and (ii) are geographically close. The implications of this model are valid for Switzerland, too. Its trade flows are weaker with distant and small economies in contrast to geographically close and big economies. One corollary that follows from the gravity model is that a country's trade flows should increase most strongly with nations that feature the largest growth rate of their GDP. Again, data for Switzerland supports this empirically. Among countries that have experienced large absolute increases in their GDP in the recent decade, Switzerland has no free trade agreement (FTA) in force with the US, India, Australia, or Vietnam. In this regard, our analysis sheds light on priorities for Swiss trade policy negotiations.
  • Publication
    Swiss Trade Monitor - 12 - Trading with Africa
    Switzerland's trade volume with the African continent amounts to around CHF 20 billion. Swiss exports account for CHF 4 billion and the most important products include pharmaceuticals, machines as well as watches. Swiss imports from Africa are dominated by precious metals, pearls, and mineral fuels. Lesser traded products include cars, articles of apparels and agricultural goods. The largest African partners for Swiss exports are Egypt, South Africa, Morocco, and Algeria. On the import side, South Africa, Ghana, Burkina Faso as well as Mali are the most significant partners. When considering a partner's GDP, trade volumes with Africa are not lower than with other regions. Low trade volumes with Africa can thus primarily be explained by Africa's low economic performance in an international comparison. Gold imports from Africa have been steadily increasing in the last several years. Trade volumes follow the gold price closely, as is the case for most commodities.
  • Publication
    Swiss Trade Monitor - 11 - Switzerland's Rise as a Global Coffee Capital
    Despite lacking plantations, Switzerland is a leading global player in the coffee production and trade. It exports more than three billion Swiss Francs worth of coffee per year, making it the most important product of its agricultural exports. International comparisons show that Switzerland is the second largest exporter of coffee in the world, by value. The difference in relative values of 26.8 USD/kg for coffee exports and 5.0 USD/kg for imports is substantial: Coffee experiences a remarkable value added to it during its processing in Switzerland. Switzerland's most important coffee export partners include countries in Europe, such as France, Germany or Spain. More recently, however, a rapid expansion of exports to North America is visible in the data. Its most important import partners include Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and India. The substantial growth of Switzerland's coffee export sector is most likely driven by Nespresso, a subsidiary of Néstle and the coffee producer famous for popularizing the capsule system.
  • Publication
    Swiss Trade Monitor - 13 - From Grapes to Vapes: Switzerland’s Trade in Alcohol and Nicotine
    Low Trade Volume but Significant Economic Impact: While the trade volume of alcohol, tobacco and nicotine products is relatively small, accounting for just 0.91% and 0.2% of Switzerland's total import and export volumes, respectively, these sectors generate significant federal revenue and have a noteworthy economic influence within the country. Increasing Popularity of Snus and Vapes: The import of newer nicotine products like snus and vapes has been rising, reflecting a shift in consumer preferences. Notably, snus has become increasingly popular since a federal court ruling that acknowledged the risks associated with nicotine but did not consider them a basis for prohibition. Dominant Import Partners for Wine: Italy, France, and Spain are the leading import partners for Swiss wine by volume. Even though Italy leads imports by a wide margin in liters, France is the leader in terms of value, resulting in a significantly higher average price per liter. Strategic Production Location for Tobacco Exports: Switzerland serves as a strategic base for the production of tobacco products by major global companies due to its lenient legislation compared to other countries. This has positioned Switzerland as a key exporter of tobacco and nicotine products (primarily cigarettes), especially to countries with less stringent consumption regulations.