Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Designing Reputation Mechanisms for Online Labor Platforms: An Empirical Study
    (Springer, 2024)
    Bagnoud, Alexandre
    Reputation mechanisms are commonly used on digital platforms to reduce information asymmetry, increase trust, and facilitate transactions between users. Despite extensive research on the design challenges of such mechanisms, the specificities of online labor platforms, like the evolution of skills or the heterogenous context in which transactions take place, are not fully addressed in the current literature. Thus, this work aims at determining how to design suitable reputation mechanisms for online labor platforms. The research follows the Action Design Research approach and is conducted in cooperation with the providers of the online labor platform “Scrambl.”. First, a synthesizing analysis of design features of state-of-the-art reputation mechanisms of a sample of 21 existing online labor platforms is conducted. Second, a systematic literature review is performed along with ten semi-structured interviews with potential users of Scrambl. to identify and evaluate relevant design requirements. Seven design requirements emerge from this work, which may serve as a guideline for researchers and practitioners in the labor market industry to design adequate reputation mechanisms.
  • Publication
    What is Digital Intrapreneurship? Insights from a Structured Literature Review
    (HICSS 2024, 2023) ; ;
    Michael Bitzer
    The advancement of digitalization influences how intrapreneurship can be operationalized. This has opened new discussions in academic literature. In particular, a sub-stream has emerged around the term “digital intrapreneurship.” However, these discussions currently lack a shared conceptualization and terminology for digital intrapreneurship. In this structured literature review, we analyze existing academic literature on digital intrapreneurship, inductively develop a definition for the phenomenon, and create a conceptual framework for it.
  • Publication
    (Thirtieth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022), 2022-06-18) ;
    Bitzer, Michael
    In today's hyper-dynamic business environment, the capability to foster innovation is critical. Many organizations recognize their employees as an unresolved source for innovation during digital transformation. Consequently, intrapreneurship has become of strategic importance, and initiatives, such as digital intrapreneurship platforms, arise. However, many initiatives do not provide aspired outcomes due to the lack of organizational readiness. We follow the action design research method to design a multi-dimensional framework that measures organizational readiness for digital intrapreneurship. Hitherto, we identify 27 factors that contribute to an organization's readiness for the successful implementation and usage of digital intrapreneurship platforms. Ultimately, we strive to provide a digital intrapreneurship readiness tool that helps innovation managers to detect and remove hindering factors before implementing solutions.
  • Publication
    A Self-Assessment for Measuring Organizational Readiness for Digital Intrapreneurship – An Action Design-Research Approach
    ( 2023) ;
    Michael Bitzer
    Digital technologies allow organizations to democratize innovation and involve ordinary employees in corporate innovation. Thus, digital intrapreneurship platforms (DIPs) have become important in guiding and hosting the innovation process. Despite organizations’ rising interest in intrapreneurial endeavors, many initiatives fail to deliver the desired outcomes due to a lack of organizational readiness to leverage the potential of DIPs. Therefore, we developed a digital intrapreneurship readiness assessment (DIRA) for organizations. Through an action design research process (ADR), we identified 26 factors across six dimensions: Intrapreneurial Culture, Leadership Support, Organizational Structure, Innovation Maturity, Intrapreneurship Program Management, and IT Infrastructure. Our work contributes to the literature by bridging the gap between intrapreneurship and digital technologies, providing insights into measuring organizational readiness for DIPs. The DIRA offers a self-assessment instrurment to guide organizations in their readiness for digital intrapreneurship and advances theoretical understanding and measurement of intrapreneurship in the digital era.
  • Publication
    The Multi-level Effects of Intrapreneurship Programs on Digital Transformation – Insights from a Multiple Case Study
    ( 2023) ;
    Michael Bitzer
    Despite extensive research, many organizations face significant challenges in achieving digital transformation. We conducted a multiple case study to understand how intrapreneurship programs contribute to digital transformation. Our findings reveal that intrapreneurship programs have multi-level effects on digital transformation beyond the development of new ventures. We identify that failed projects foster participants’ competencies, cultural, structural, and technological changes within the organization, and learning capabilities. Our results question the meaning of failure in digital transformation and intrapreneurship research and position intrapreneurship programs as practical means to drive digital transformation.