Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    How Enterprises Adopt Agile Structures: A Multiple-Case Study
    Increasing speed and flexibility is of strategic importance to almost any company in times of digital transformation. While startups or "born digital" companies are agile by nature, traditional companies are struggling with the question of how to increase organizational agility. Little knowledge exists about how enterprises adopt and scale agile practices and structures. This exploratory study with twelve global cases examines how traditional companies adopt and scale agile structures. We found that (1) agile structures are currently adopted by enterprises at large scale, (2) agile structures are adopted not only by IT, but also by business units, and (3) while Spotify's organization serves as a widespread template for a fully agile unit, enterprises adapt and fine-tune this template according to their needs and scale. Furthermore, we identified three additional models for fully agile structures where a fully agile unit with cross-product support is the most frequently observed model.
  • Publication
    "Agile Meets Non-Agile": Implications of Adopting Agile Practices at Enterprises
    ( 2018) ; ;
    Kelker, Prashant
    The question of how to increase speed and flexibility in times of digital disruption is essential to virtually any company. While previous research focuses on agility as software development practice or as form for organizing start-ups, little knowledge exists about agility at enterprises and its implications. Agile practices are currently adopted at enterprises in large-scale. While first steps towards agility are made quickly, we observed that specific challenges emerge when enterprises adopt agile practices. Drawing on results of an explorative study with ten global companies and on socio-technical systems theory, we reveal that adopting agile practices has far-reaching implications on products, processes, technology, people, and structure. This study contributes to agility research with specific insights on enterprise agility and its implications. While enterprises need to increase speed and flexibility to master digital transformation, an early incorporation of the implications of adopting agile practices fosters its sustainable implementation.
  • Publication
    Scaling Agility: How enterprises adopt agile forms of organizational design
    ( 2018) ; ;
    Kelker, Prashant
    The question of how to increase speed and flexibility in times of digital disruption is essential to almost any company. While previous research mainly addresses agility in the context of software development, as form for organizing startups or "born digital" companies, little knowledge exists about agility at enterprises. With an exploratory study of ten global cases, this paper aims at examining how enterprises adopt and scale agile forms of organizational design. Our preliminary results reveal that (1) agile forms of organizational design are currently adopted by enterprises at large scale and successively replace bimodal IT structures where agile and non-agile units coexist in parallel, (2) Spotify's organizational design serves as a widely used template for a fully agile unit, and (3) enterprises fine-tune this template to their needs and scale.
  • Publication
    Digital Transformation and IT: Current State of Research
    Information Systems (IS) have never been more important as digital technologies are essential for business model innovation by developing new digital products and services. Digital transformation not only affects business, but also IT. While digital transformation and digital technologies are well established research areas, the implications of digital transformation on IT are rarely in focus. Taking this topic as a reference, the paper contributes to general IS research by assessing to which extent digital innovation is already subject to mainstream IS research. A bibliometric study analyzing all 2,833 articles published in the AIS Senior Scholars’ 'basket' of eight leading IS journals between 2007 and 2016 reveals that a mere 0.2% address the impact of digital transformation on IT while 2.3% cover topics of digital transformation, innovation, or digital technologies. In contrast to previous work, this study finds that digital innovation research is already present in primarily high-ranked IS journals.
  • Publication
    Managing Time Complexity with Agility: How More Considered Thinking about Time Helped Fujitsu to Set a Guinness World Record
    ( 2020) ; ;
    Conboy, Kieran
    vom Brocke, Jan
    Digital transformation creates pressure on established enterprises as they need to increase speed and flexibility in order to respond to rapidly changing market environments. To master digital transformation challenges, organizations are increasingly turning to 'high speed' methods such as flow and agile. We argue that the differentiating feature of these methods is how they address time to achieve speed, epitomized by terms such as cycle time, lead-time, latency, real-time, and velocity. We examine how Fujitsu succeeded in managing time complexity in its innovation process, setting a Guinness World Record with the largest animated tablet PC mosaic by managing multiple facets of time with the help of selective agile practices. We compare our findings with four other cases confirming that scaled agile practices at their core can help in managing time complexity.