Now showing 1 - 10 of 171
  • Publication
    A Good Reputation: Protection against Shareholder Activism
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016-02) ;
    Simcic Bronn, Peggy
    When shareholders become dissatisfied with a public company's policies or actions, they may resort to activist interventions. Shareholder activism has been described as an attempt to resolve agency conflicts by directly influencing management or board decisions. Shareholder activism may be incited by a lack of focus on shareholder value, a misalignment of corporate governance or a number of social and environmental policy issues. Over recent years, shareholder activism has become more frequent, professional and costly to corporations. Large, visible companies are held to be most susceptible to activist interventions, potentially damaging their corporation reputation. In this study, we analyze the effect of a good corporate reputation on the susceptibility of public companies to shareholder interventions in the form of proxy fights. We consider both the frequency and success of shareholder proposals and differentiate the effect of corporate reputation by issues context. Our findings indicate that a good corporate reputation serves as a two-fold inoculation against shareholder interventions, reducing both the frequency and success of proxy fights.
    Scopus© Citations 14
  • Publication
    The impact of online media on stakeholder engagement and the governance of corporations
    Online tools such as social media provide new opportunities for citizens and stakeholder groups to be informed, identify common interests, express and share opinions and demands, organize, and coordinate interventions. Therefore, the Internet could be expected to increase stakeholder engagement in corporate affairs and facilitate good governance. In order to provide an overview of current findings on the impact of online media on governance and stakeholder engagement, we conduct a systematic literature review. Our analysis reveals five topical categories of inquiry. We analyze studies from the field of business participation and find a strong bias towards consumer engagement and marketing issues. Only few studies are found to critically explore the effect of online media on power and value distribution between corporations and stakeholders. We then turn to the more established field of political and civic participation in order to further analyze antecedents, forms, and outcomes of online engagement in civic affairs, and derive a framework for future research.
    Scopus© Citations 20
  • Publication
    A relational altmetric? Network centrality on ResearchGate as an indicator of scientific impact
    Social media are becoming increasingly popular in scientific communication. A range of platforms, such as academic social networking sites (SNS), are geared specifically towards the academic community. Proponents of the altmetrics approach have pointed out that new media allow for new avenues of scientific impact assessment. Traditional impact measures based on bibliographic analysis have long been criticized for overlooking the relational dynamics of scientific impact. We therefore propose an application of social network analysis to researchers' interactions on an academic social networking site to generate potential new metrics of scientific impact. Based on a case study conducted among a sample of Swiss management scholars, we analyze how centrality measures derived from the participants' interactions on the academic SNS ResearchGate relate to traditional, offline impact indicators. We find that platform engagement, seniority, and publication impact contribute to members' indegree and eigenvector centrality on the platform, but less so to closeness or betweenness centrality. We conclude that a relational approach based on social network analyses of academic SNS, while subject to platform-specific dynamics, may add richness and differentiation to scientific impact assessment.
    Scopus© Citations 84
  • Publication
    Content creation on the Internet : A social cognitive perspective on the participation divide
    (Taylor & Francis/Routledge, 2015-01-19) ; ;
    Sociodemographic variables are held to impact Internet users' willingness and ability to productively use online media. This effect can create a ‘participation divide' between distinct user groups. Recently, studies have enhanced our understanding of the participation divide by differentiating types of online content creation. They found that sociodemographics may only affect specific forms of online participation. We suggest that social cognitive theory (SCT) helps explain why and how sociodemographic variables influence different forms of online participation. Based on SCT, we analyze the mediating effect of two cognitive constructs, self-efficacy and privacy concerns, on different types of online content creation. We conduct a survey among German Internet users and apply structural equation modeling to compare three distinct theoretical models. We find that considering the mediating effects of cognitive constructs, based on SCT, improves our understanding of which sociodemographic variables affect which type of online content creation - and why.
    Scopus© Citations 65
  • Publication
    Digital Natives or Digital Immigrants? : The Impact of User Characteristics on Online Trust
    Previous research suggests that user characteristics such as web experience and demographics may affect online trust. Drawing on social cognitive theory, we explore the moderating effect of user characteristics on online trust. Based on a survey of German Internet users, we differentiate three groups by age, web experience, and education. We term these groups digital natives, digital immigrants, and naturalized digitals. A multiple-group analysis reveals significant differences in trust formation, particularly in the cues considered in the evaluation of online services. Whereas a large user base inspires confidence in digital natives, naturalized digitals are more geared toward familiar brands and recommendations. Digital immigrants most critically weigh the risks of a transaction against its benefits. We argue that specific user characteristics are associated with distinct cognitive schemata, implying distinct interests and evaluations in online transactions. Online services should differentiate their signaling efforts according to the targeted customer group.
    Scopus© Citations 87
  • Publication
    Diversity by Choice : Applying a Social Cognitive Perspective to the Role of Public Service Media in the Digital Age
    (The Annenberg Center for Communication, 2015-04-30) ; ; ;
    Hopes for a new abundance of diverse media content have long been tied to the rise of the Internet. Ensuring diversity remains a fundamental objective of media policy. However, media policy is still largely focused on public service media. In this article, we introduce a new theoretical perspective to inform media policy, focusing on the concept of diversity experience and users' motivation, awareness, and ability to seek diverse content in a transforming media environment. We argue that our understanding of and regulatory approaches to media pluralism must be adapted to technological advances. Based on social cognitive theory, we propose an extension of the diversity debate by considering user cognition. We analyze challenges to users' diversity experiences on a motivational, perceptual, and capability level. Given the (over)abundance of content available online, users must be willing and able to seek out diverse and serendipitous information. We derive a user-centric approach to media pluralism and diversity. Based on this framework, we outline criteria for changing the role of public service media in the digital age to focus on empowering users to actually experience media diversity.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Altmetrics for large, multidisciplinary research groups : Comparison of current tools
    (Univ.-Bibliothek Regensburg, 2014-09-30)
    Jobmann, Alexandra
    Künne, Sylvia
    Peters, Isabella
    Schmitz, Jasmin
    Wollnik-Korn, Gabriele
    Most altmetric studies compare how often a publication has been cited or mentioned on the Web. Yet, a closer look at altmetric analyses reveals that the altmetric tools employed and the social media platforms considered may have a significant effect on the available information and ensuing interpretation. Therefore, it is indicated to investigate and compare the various tools currently available for altmetric analyses and the social media platforms they draw upon. This paper will present results from a comparative altmetric analysis conducted employing four well-established altmetric services based on a broad, multidisciplinary sample of scientific publications. Our study reveals that for several data sources the coverage of findable publications on social media platforms and metric counts (impact) can vary across altmetric data providers.
  • Publication
    Beyond just politics : A systematic literature review of online participation
    (University of Illinois Chicago, 2014-07-07) ; ;
    This paper presents a systematic literature review of the current state-of-research on online participation. The review draws on four databases and is guided by the application of six topical search terms. The analysis strives to differentiate distinct forms of online participation and to identify salient discourses within each research field. We find that research on online participation is highly segregated into specific sub-discourses that reflect disciplinary boundaries. Research on online political participation and civic engagement is identified as the most prominent and extensive research field. Yet research on other forms of participation, such as cultural, business, education and health participation, provides distinct perspectives and valuable insights. We outline both field-specific and common findings and derive propositions for future research.
  • Publication
    Beteiligung an Open Government fördern
    (Springer Vieweg, 2014-10-31)
    Rapp, Maximilian
    Kröger, Niclas