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  • Publication
    The Age of Datafication: Balancing Employee-Leader Vulnerability, Trust, and Responsibility in Datafied Pay for Performance Systems
    (British Academy of Management, 2024-09-02) ; ;
    * All authors contributed equally This study investigates how vulnerability emerges in trust relationships between employees and leaders after implementing a datafied pay-for-performance technology. Using a dual perspective approach, we analysed 21 interviews with employees and their leaders. Our findings suggest that datafication technology introduces new forms of vulnerability for both employees and leaders. Based on Weibel et al.'s (2023) vulnerability framework, we develop a four-stage model of employee-leader vulnerability and trust. Initially, employees experience discontinuity vulnerability, prompting a re-evaluation of trust. Next, they perceive socio-emotional vulnerability, in response to which they expect their leaders to assume responsibility. However, leaders behave in a responsibility-averse manner, using HR technology to deflect responsibility back onto employees. As a result, employees experience a trust breach leading them to lower their overall trust towards their leaders. We contribute to the literature on trust, HR-technology, and responsible leadership by offering insights on managing employee-leader vulnerability in datafied workplaces.
  • Publication
    Process of Distrust Formation
    Interorganizational distrust has detrimental effects for the concerned organizations themselves but also for third parties. Moreover, once interorganizational distrust has been established, it is only hardly reversed. Yet, we know only very little about the process of distrust formation in interorganizational relationships, which assumedly includes a tipping point that can be prevented. In a nationally funded research project and a corresponding dissertation, we apply an embedded case study design with one main and ten embedded cases to gather qualitative in-depth knowledge on such distrust formation processes and therewith contribute (1) to research by theory building and (2) to practice by recommendations on distrust-preventing actions. Our preliminary findings corroborate the existence of a tipping point that is triggered by severe transgression events that exceed an existing “trust reservoir” in a relationship and indicate a central role of sensebreaking in this process. Further results will be discussed.
  • Publication
    The Journey from Trust to Distrust
    ( 2023-09-14)
    Exploring Distrust Formation in Interorganizational Relationships