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  • Publication
    Private Equity Infrastructure Funds
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023-07-24) ; ; ;
    Douglas Cumming
    Benjamin Hammer
    Private equity infrastructure funds (PEIFs) can take the form of listed, open-end, or closed-end funds. Listed funds are traded on a stock exchange and can issue new shares or buy back existing shares at any time. In the context of open-end and closed-end funds, investors sign a partnership agreement and provide capital as so-called limited partners to the managers of PEIFs, defined as general partners. More specifically, open-end funds continuously issue and redeem shares in response to changes in investor demand and, hence, allow investors to commit and remove capital over an infinite lifetime. In contrast, closed-end funds have a finite lifetime of on average 7 to 12 years, with the option to extend the investment period for another short-term period of usually up to 3 years (Haran et al. 2020). Despite the long-term time horizon of the underlying assets, closed-end funds are the dominant type of funds giving investors access to a diversified portfolio of infrastructure assets.