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DELEN – A Process Model for the Systematic Development of Legitimate Digital Nudges

2021-08-06 , Barev, Torben Jan , Schöbel, Sofia , Janson, Andreas , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Chandra Kruse, Leona , Seidel, Stefan , Hausvik, Geir Inge

Digital nudging is a promising approach from behavioral economics. In deci-sions where individuals tend to struggle, nudges can support users of digital systems by aligning their behavior with their preferences. Despite their wide use, most digital nudges are designed to support the intended behavior from the perspective of a company while neglecting potential legal, ethical, or individual constraints or preferences. With modern technologies such as artificial intelli-gence or big data, these issues multiply and with the increasing effectiveness of digital nudges and use of new technologies, this has become even more critical. Thus, in this paper we follow a Design Science Research approach to develop a process model for the systematic development of legitimate nudges (DELEN). Legitimacy requires that dealings between different entities shall be fair. Unlike other models, we set normative boundaries derived from literature, expert in-terviews, and target group segmentation as integral elements. Target group seg-mentation increases nudge effectiveness and avoids unnecessary burdens for other individuals. By doing so, the DELEN process model paves the way for legitimate and effective digital nudges.

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LEGIT Methodology: Towards Capturing Legal Compatibility of Design Science Artifacts

2021 , Dickhaut, Ernestine , Janson, Andreas , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Chandra Kruse, Leona , Seidel, Stefan , Hausvik, Geir Inge

Higher legal standards with regards to the data protection of individu-als such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are increasing the pressure on developers of IT artifacts. Typically, when developing systems, we subsequently evaluate them with users to elaborate aspects such as user experi-ence perceptions. However, nowadays, other evaluation aspects such as legality and data policy issues are also important criteria for system development. For this purpose, we introduce LEGIT (legal design science evaluation), which pro-vides developers with guidance when considering legal requirements. We use the case of the GDPR to illustrate the feasibility, applicability, and benefit to the de-velopment process. With this novel method adapted from law research, we are able to derive actionable guidance for developers to evaluate developer efforts in increasing legal compatibility. To illustrate our methodological approach, in this paper, we describe the key steps of the method with respect to the evaluation of a learning assistant. We develop an AI-based learning assistant for university stu-dents to demonstrate the application of the novel evaluation method. We briefly discuss how this procedure can serve as the foundation for a new evaluation method of legally compatible systems in design science research.