Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Developing guiding principles: An organizational learning perspective
    (Emerald, 2007)
    Oliver, David
    Guiding principles are knowledge structures that call to mind collective narratives with emotional content, and are articulated and used heuristically to guide decision-making in organizations. In this paper, we draw on the organizational learning literature to explore how 1) guiding principles become integrated in management teams through discursive processes of social learning, and 2) how process techniques from the realm of organizational learning can be used to facilitate the development of guiding principles. We propose that guiding principle development may be facilitated using process techniques similar to those proposed for integrating organizational learning, namely: dialogical processes involving processes of inquiry, divergence and convergence. We explore our theoretical findings through use of an illustrative case study of guiding principles development in a European telecommunications firm.
    Scopus© Citations 20
  • Publication
    Building the capacity for learning and change through reflective conversation
    (Hampp, 2005)
    Coghlan, David
    Conversation is central to the process of organizational learning and change. Drawing on the notion of reflective conversation, we describe an action research project, "learning through listening" in Omega, a residential healthcare organization. In this project, service users, staff, members of management committees, trustees, managers, and central office staff participated in listening to each other and in working together towards building capacity for creating their own vision of how the organization could move into the future, according to its values and ethos. In doing so they developed ways of engaging in reflective conversation that enabled progress towards a strategic direction.
  • Publication
    "Learning through Listening": Conversations for Strategic Change in a Healtcare Provider
    (IAP, 2007)
    Coghlan, David
    Svyantek, Daniel J.
    McChrystal, Elizabeth
    The aim of this paper is investigate the role of conversation in strategic change so as to enhance both theory and practice in this respect. As an investigation on how conversations shape change processes in practice, we reflect on an interpretive case study in a health care organization. Through an OD project complemented by semi-structured interviews with participants, we gained a set of data and experiences that allows us to inquire into the relationship between conversations and change in more depth.