Now showing 1 - 10 of 226
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Assessing Subjective and Objective Information Literacy at Upper Secondary Schools - An Empirical Study in Four German-Speaking Countries

, Seufert, Sabine , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Guggemos, Josef

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Mobile Consumer Segments' Perception and Usage of Location- based In- Store Mobile Shopper Marketing

2017 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Wozniak, Thomas , Lenz-Kesekamp, Vera Kristina , Schaffner, Dorothea , Chandy, R.

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Approaches to Aggregate Price Models to Enable Composite Services on Electronic Marketplaces

2012-09-01 , Junker, Frederic , Vogel, Jurgen , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

Marketplaces for cloud services, referred to as electronic marketplaces (eMPs), have, been introduced for a number of purposes, including comparability and transparency of service, offerings. Since the complexity of services and their provisioning is increasing, eMPs need to handle, the dynamic and automated creation of composite services, i.e. services which are yielded in part, by using third-party services available on the marketplace. To meet this requirement, eMPs need a, standardized machine readable description of service offerings. This paper presents an approach to, define price models for services traded on eMPs, using a subset of the Unified Service Description, Language (USDL). To enable composite service pricing, this paper introduces an approach on the, aggregation of several price models into one price model and analyses the time complexity of the, price aggregation algorithm presented.

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Enterprise Mashups - Neue Herausforderung für das Projektmanagement

2008-04-15 , Hoyer, Volker , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

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Expressing Demands or Offers: How to Promote Volunteering Using Visual and Verbal Appeals

2022 , Bünzli, Fabienne , Eppler, Martin , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Hofer, Alena

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4CaaSt Marketplace : An Advanced Business Environment for Trading Cloud Services

2014-03-03 , Menychtas, Andreas , Vogel, Jürgen , Giessmann, Andrea , Gatzioura, Anna , Garcia Gomez, Sergio , Moulos, Vrettos , Junker, Frederic , Müller, Mathias , Kyriazis, Dimosthenis , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Varvarigou, Theodora

As Clouds mature and become ubiquitous, marketplace environments are developed facilitating the provision of services in a manner that emphasizes on the modular composition of individual services across different providers that crosscut the cloud service stack layers (i.e. composition of XaaS) to fulfil customers' requirements. Besides acting as intermediaries for the search, selection and trading of services, such marketplaces should also support the complete service lifecycle and the consolidation of offerings from different providers with varying and often contradicting business goals. In this paper we present a one-stop cloud marketplace solution that addresses the aforementioned challenges while enabling the simulation of different business cases to optimize service offerings according to a wide and dynamic set of parameters. Moreover, the proposed solution introduces advanced aggregated price models and integrates a new resolution approach that incorporates business intelligence into the search and selection processes. We also demonstrate the operation of the implemented approach and evaluate its effectiveness using a real-world scenario, based on a taxi fleet management application. -->

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Netzwerk-Journalismus : Zur veränderten Vermittlerrolle von Journalisten am Beispiel einer Case Study zu Twitter und den Unruhen in Iran

2012-01-01 , Plotkowiak, Thomas , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Ebermann, Jana , Meckel, Miriam , Fleck, Matthes

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Psychological antecedents of mobile consumer behaviour and implications for customer journeys in tourism

2018-04 , Wozniak, Thomas , Schaffner, Dorothea , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Lenz-Kesekamp, Vera Kristina

As online activities increasingly shift to mobile devices, organizations especially in tourism must understand which factors drive and inhibit mobile consumer behaviour, if they want to remain competitive. Thus, this paper analyses the effects of psychological factors on mobile consumer behaviour. Drawing on multiple established theories, four psychological factors are identified: (1) smartphone self-efficacy, (2) mobile-specific innovativeness, (3) mobile users’ information privacy concerns, and (4) personal attachment to smartphone. Using a structural equation modeling approach with a large-scale consumer sample, the effects of these factors on two fundamental types of mobile consumer behaviour are analysed: behaviour along the mobile customer journey and consumers’ willingness to disclose personal data in return for personalized mobile experiences. The results confirm the relevance of the identified factors for mobile consumer behaviour. These findings have several implications for the design and management of mobile touch points in tourism.

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Business Models of Platform as a Service (PaaS) Providers: Current State and Future Directions

2012-12 , Giessmann, Andrea , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

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Corporate Blogs : Kundendialog im Netz mit hohem Anspruch

2008-04-01 , Fieseler, Christian , Fleck, Matthes , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina