Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    NeighboAR: Efficient Object Retrieval using Proximity-and Gaze-based Object Grouping with an AR System
    (ACM, 2024-05-28)
    Aleksandar Slavuljica
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    Humans only recognize a few items in a scene at once and memorize three to seven items in the short term. Such limitations can be mitigated using cognitive offloading (e.g., sticky notes, digital reminders). We studied whether a gaze-enabled Augmented Reality (AR) system could facilitate cognitive offloading and improve object retrieval performance. To this end, we developed NeighboAR, which detects objects in a user's surroundings and generates a graph that stores object proximity relationships and user's gaze dwell times for each object. In a controlled experiment, we asked N=17 participants to inspect randomly distributed objects and later recall the position of a given target object. Our results show that displaying the target together with the proximity object with the longest user gaze dwell time helps recalling the position of the target. Specifically, NeighboAR significantly reduces the retrieval time by 33%, number of errors by 71%, and perceived workload by 10%.
  • Publication
    Gaze-enabled activity recognition for augmented reality feedback
    ( 2024-03-16) ; ; ; ;
    Andrew Duchowski
    Krzysztof Krejtz
    Head-mounted Augmented Reality (AR) displays overlay digital information on physical objects. Through eye tracking, they provide insights into user attention, intentions, and activities, and allow novel interaction methods based on this information. However, in physical environments, the implications of using gaze-enabled AR for human activity recognition have not been explored in detail. In an experimental study with the Microsoft HoloLens 2, we collected gaze data from 20 users while they performed three activities: Reading a text, Inspecting a device, and Searching for an object. We trained machine learning models (SVM, Random Forest, Extremely Randomized Trees) with extracted features and achieved up to 89.6% activity-recognition accuracy. Based on the recognized activity, our system—GEAR—then provides users with relevant AR feedback. Due to the sensitivity of the personal (gaze) data GEAR collects, the system further incorporates a novel solution based on the Solid specification for giving users fine-grained control over the sharing of their data. The provided code and anonymized datasets may be used to reproduce and extend our findings, and as teaching material.
  • Publication
    MR Object Identification and Interaction: Fusing Object Situation Information from Heterogeneous Sources
    (ACM, 2023-09-28) ;
    Khakim Akhunov
    Federico Carbone
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    Kasim Sinan Yildirim
    The increasing number of objects in ubiquitous computing environments creates a need for effective object detection and identification mechanisms that permit users to intuitively initiate interactions with these objects. While multiple approaches to such object detection-including through visual object detection, fiducial markers, relative localization, or absolute spatial referencing-are available, each of these suffers from drawbacks that limit their applicability. In this paper, we propose ODIF, an architecture that permits the fusion of object situation information from such heterogeneous sources and that remains vertically and horizontally modular to allow extending and upgrading systems that are constructed accordingly. We furthermore present BLEARVIS, a prototype system that builds on the proposed architecture and integrates computer-vision (CV) based object detection with radio-frequency (RF) angle of arrival (AoA) estimation to identify BLE-tagged objects. In our system, the front camera of a Mixed Reality (MR) head-mounted display (HMD) provides a live image stream to a vision-based object detection module, while an antenna array that is mounted on the HMD collects AoA information from ambient devices. In this way, BLEARVIS is able to differentiate between visually identical objects in the same environment and can provide an MR overlay of information (data and controls) that relates to them. We include experimental evaluations of both, the CV-based object detection and the RF-based AoA estimation, and discuss the applicability of the combined RF and CV pipelines in different ubiquitous computing scenarios. This research can form a starting point to spawn the integration of diverse object detection, identification, and interaction approaches that function across the electromagnetic spectrum, and beyond.
    Scopus© Citations 2
  • Publication
    The systematic evaluation of an embodied control interface for virtual reality
    (PLOS ONE, 2021-12-07) ;
    Thrash, Tyler
    van Raai, Mark A
    Künzler, Patrik
    Hahnloser, Richard
    Lee, YunJu
  • Publication
    Telelife: The Future of Remote Living
    (Frontiers, 2021-11-29)
    Orlosky, Jason
    Sra, Misha
    Peng, Huaishu
    Kim, Jeeeun
    Kos'myna, Nataliya
    Höllerer, Tobias
    Steed, Anthony
    Kiyokawa, Kiyoshi
    Akşit, Kaan
    Steinicke, Frank
    In recent years, everyday activities such as work and socialization have steadily shifted to more remote and virtual settings. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the switch from physical to virtual has been accelerated, which has substantially affected almost all aspects of our lives, including business, education, commerce, healthcare, and personal life. This rapid and large-scale switch from in-person to remote interactions has exacerbated the fact that our current technologies lack functionality and are limited in their ability to recreate interpersonal interactions. To help address these limitations in the future, we introduce “Telelife,” a vision for the near and far future that depicts the potential means to improve remote living and better align it with how we interact, live and work in the physical world. Telelife encompasses novel synergies of technologies and concepts such as digital twins, virtual/physical rapid prototyping, and attention and context-aware user interfaces with innovative hardware that can support ultrarealistic graphics and haptic feedback, user state detection, and more. These ideas will guide the transformation of our daily lives and routines soon, targeting the year 2035. In addition, we identify opportunities across high-impact applications in domains related to this vision of Telelife. Along with a recent survey of relevant fields such as human-computer interaction, pervasive computing, and virtual reality, we provide a meta-synthesis in this paper that will guide future research on remote living.