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Exploration and Exploitation in Established Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: The Effect of CEOs' Regulatory Focus

2015-07-01 , Kammerlander, Nadine , Burger, Dominik , Fust, Alexander , Fueglistaller, Urs

Based on theory of regulatory focus and organizational ambidexterity, we hypothesize that the level of engagement in exploration and exploitation in a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) is affected by the respective CEO's chronic regulatory focus. In our analysis of survey responses from CEOs in Switzerland, we find that the CEO's level of promotion focus positively affects the firm's engagement in both, exploration and exploitation, while the CEO's prevention focus is negatively associated with the firm's exploration but not significantly related to its exploitation. The positive associations between a CEO's promotion focus and the firm's exploration/exploitation activities are enhanced under conditions of intense competition.

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Are family firms really less innovative? A meta analysis

2014-10-24 , Duran, Patricio , Kammerlander, Nadine , van Essen, Marc , Zellweger, Thomas

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The Impact of Storytelling on Innovation: a Multi Case Study

2015-01 , Kammerlander, Nadine , Dessi, Cinzia , Bird, Miriam , Floris, Michela

The founder’s values and beliefs are often determinant for family business’ later organizational path and as such affect the organization’s level of innovation. Building on recent research that has identified storytelling as an important means to imprint the founder’s values and beliefs, we apply a multi-case research design to investigate how different foci of those stories affect a family firm’s level of innovation. We suggest that founder-centered stories entail a focus on decisions that match with the founder’s values, hierarchical decision-making, and destructive conflicts, which ultimately lead to low levels of innovation. To the contrary, family-centered stories free family members in their decision-making and entail a collaborative decision-making characterized by low levels of conflicts. As a result, those firms have higher levels of innovation as compared to firms with founder-centered stories. We summarize our findings in a model of path creation in family firms.

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Sensemaking and Organizational Change in Family Firms

2014 , Kammerlander, Nadine

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Synthesizing so far disintegrated literature on leadership transfer: a co-citation analysis

2015-06-05 , Bird, Miriam , Cabras, Stefano , Dessi, Cinzia , Floris, Michela , Kammerlander, Nadine