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Implementing Architectural Thinking: A Case Study at Commerzbank AG

2015-06-08 , Aier, Stephan , Labusch, Nils , Pähler, Patrick , Persson, Anne , Stirna, Janis

The discipline of enterprise architecture (EA) has become well-established in many organizations and is continuously discussed in academic literature. However, EA's effectiveness beyond IT is limited. The paradigm of architectural thinking aims at reaching the 90% of an organization that is not related to IT. The paper contrasts the abstract definitions of architectural thinking with empirical case study data. We find that practice has developed implementations of these abstract definitions. However, we also find new characteristics of architectural thinking that have not yet been discussed in literature. Specifically, these are the role of decisions and the role of formal governance mechanisms.

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Transformation Intelligence Capability Catalogue

2017 , Abraham, Ralf , Weiss, Simon , Labusch, Nils , Aier, Stephan , Winter, Robert , Proper, Henderik A. , Winter, Robert , Aier, Stephan , de Kinderen, Sybren

In this Chapter we present a reference framework, more specifically a catalogue of capabilities, needed for doing ACET. As such, it also provides guidance on which elements/artefacts of enterprise architecture can be used to support which aspects of enterprise architecture. For architects, it shows where their services might generate value, if requested. For transformation managers, it provides a “capability catalogue”, describing for which parts of enterprise architecture they may seek advice from the enterprise architects. The framework as a whole provides a structure for the solution components that addresses the challenges as presented in Part II, and it comprises of the perspectives of strategy, value and risk, design, implementation, and change. The capabilities of all the perspectives together support transformation management, which is concerned with the management tasks at the overall transformation level, and with the architectural coordination function, which forms an umbrella function of integrating the individual perspectives into a consistent whole.

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A Major Transformation at a Global Insurance Company

2017 , Labusch, Nils , Aier, Stephan , Winter, Robert , Proper, Henderik A. , Winter, Robert , Aier, Stephan , de Kinderen, Sybren

In this chapter we report on the case of a globally operating insurance company that has leveraged enterprise architecture management to support business transformations. In order to do so, the company has developed enterprise architecture management capabilities that help the business structuring the business transformation particularly in the early stages before handing over respective responsibilities to more specialized corporate functions later on. This case is interesting for understanding ACET because it is one of the rare cases where enterprise architecture management truly bridges the business–IT gap.