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  • Publication
    Multiteaming at multiple levels: an individual and firm-level perspective on multiple team membership [Doctoral Dissertation]
    (Difo-Druck GmbH, 2018)
    In many firms and industries, multiple team membership (MTM) is the norm rather than the exception. Despite its prevalence in organizational practice, however, research on multiteaming is limited in a number of ways. To complement prior research, this dissertation considers MTM structures as open and social systems. First, I provide evidence that the implications of multiteaming are not limited to the team-level, but also affect individual employees and the organization seen as a whole. Second, I advance current understanding of the multidimensionality and theoretical complexity of MTM. Third, I identify boundary conditions that help to turn MTM structures into successful systems of collaboration. Study 1 uses a longitudinal sample of 341 employees and demonstrates that employees with a high polychronic orientation perceive reduced levels of role conflict at an increasing fragmentation of time across teams. Meanwhile, the opposite pattern applies to monochronics. Based on a sample of 85 firms, study 2 shows that an increasing MTM level yields positive effects on organizational social capital and firm performance. This relationship, however, only holds at low levels of MTM heterogeneity. Finally, in study 3, I investigate how MTM level affects productive organizational energy (POE) and firm performance in 82 organizations. The results reveal that only those organizations develop a strong climate of POE, in which hierarchical and shared leadership interact in a synergistic manner. This dissertation draws on a social system logic (Katz & Kahn, 1978). In this sense, I refer to individual employees as human beings, rather than human resources. Moreover, I show that a mere focus on single teams is not capable of grasping interrelated systems of collaboration. In all, I provide evidence that MTM structure has the potential to foster both, the prosperity of single employees as well as the competitive advantage of entire organizations.