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  • Publication
    The Link Between Family Firm Dynamics, Image and Firm Performance
    (SMS Strategic Management Society, 2011-11-06)
    Memili, Esra
    Kellermanns, Franz W.
    Eddleston, Kimberley H.
    In this study, we draw upon organizational identity theory to examine factors that lead to the creation of family firm image and investigate how a family firm image impacts firm performance. We find that family firm pride, community social ties, and long-term orientation are positively associated with the likelihood that a firm portrays itself as a family business to consumers and stakeholders. In turn, we find that a family firm image benefits firm performance. Thus, our study demonstrates that by building a family firm image the unique family influences on the firm can be leveraged to create a competitive advantage for family firms.
  • Publication
    Corporate Entrepreneurship and Image in Family Firms
    (Academy of Management, 2009-08-11)
    Memili, Esra
    Eddleston, Kimberley H.
    Kellermanns, Franz W.
    Barnett, Tim
    The impact of family ownership and family expectations on corporate entrepreneurship and family firm image has been underresearched. Drawing on corporate entrepreneurship and organizational identity theories, we develop a model linking family ownership and expectations, corporate entrepreneurship, and image in family firms. We also suggest that corporate entrepreneurship and image can lead to growth in family firms. We test the model on a sample of 163 Swiss family firms. Our most important findings are that family expectations have direct influence on both corporate entrepreneurship and image and that both corporate entrepreneurship and image are associated with growth in family firms.
  • Publication
    Corporate entrepreneurship in family firms: a stewardship perspective
    ( 2008-01-10)
    Eddleston, Kimberley H.
    Kellermanns, Franz W.