Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Characteristics of cross-organizational electronic interaction and supporting IT service infrastructures : Technical Report
    (Alexandria, 2009)
    Schroth, Christoph
    Siebeck, Robert
    Schmid, Beat
    "We expect that by 2011, midsize- and large companies will have at least doubled the number of multienterprise integration and interoperability projects they're managing and will be spending at least 50% more on B2B projects, compared with 2006. We also believe that, from 2008 to 2013, multienterprise traffic will at least triple" (Gartner Research, 2008) The foregoing quote shows the importance of the topic cross-organizational collaboration. When considering implementing such a collaboration, companies are facing many questions, one of them being how information technology can be employed to effectively support interoperation. In this work, we will firt of all classify characteristics of cross-organizational collaboration. Consecutively, we will show how to classify different IT service infrastructures which support cross-organizational interaction. Furthermore existing software and services will be introduced.
  • Publication
    The Internet of Things in an Enterprise Context
    (Springer, 2008-09-28)
    Haller, Stephan
    Karnouskos, Stamatis
    Schroth, Christoph
    This paper puts the Internet of Things in a wider context: How it relates to the Future Internet overall, and where the business value lies so that it will become interesting for enterprises to invest in it. Real-World Awareness and Business Process Decomposition are the two major paradigms regarding future business value. The major application domains where the Internet of Things will play an important role and where there are concrete business opportunities are highlighted. But there are also many technical challenges that need to be addressed. These are listed and it is shown how they are tackled by existing research projects with industrial participation.