Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    A literature review of collaborative platforms: exploring implications for the co-creation of public services and future directions
    Collaborative platforms are increasingly recognized as a promising approach in public administration for facilitating multi-actor collaboration and co-creation of public services. However, our current understanding of these platforms and their implications for public service design and delivery is limited, hindering both theoretical development and practical application. This article presents a conceptual summary of 74 articles published between 2011 and 2021 and highlights three fundamental dimensions of collaborative platforms for co-creating public services: technological, innovation, and governance. Additionally, six key implications and considerations for public service design and delivery are identified. The findings suggest a research agenda that calls for a socio-technical integrated approach to further investigate collaborative platforms, including their outcomes, antecedents, and the relationship between platform governance and value creation in public services.
  • Publication
    Exploring antecedent factors of co-creation in public service ecosystems: a study of local welfare platforms in Italy
    ( 2023) ;
    Rotolo, Andrea
    Longo, Francesco
    This paper examines the potential of platforms for co-creating public services as a solution to contemporary societal challenges in welfare, using a service ecosystem perspective. The study provides a multilevel examination of antecedents to co-creation through a comparative multiple-case study of four cases of platforms developed in Northern Italy at the local level involving public authorities, private service providers, and citizens. The study finds that platforms for co-creating public services are developed not only top-down, but also middle-out and bottom-up, recognizing stakeholders' autonomy and proactive initiatives in cocreation. The study also recognizes the importance of political support and proactive citizens, social workers, and public officials in the development of platforms for co-creating public services.