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Management-KPI-Cockpits zur strategieorientierten und bereichsübergreifenden Steuerung von Finanzdienstleistern

2012-06-19 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Brenner, Walter

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Balancing Customer Requirements and IT Service Standardization - A Procedural Reference Model for Individualized IT Service Agreement Configurations

2011-04-01 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Uebernickel, Falk , Brenner, Walter

IT service providers are increasingly urged to stringently align their service portfolio with the IT support of their customers' business processes. Consequently, both IT expenses and its strategic contribution to value creation are expected to become subject to heightened transparency. Yet, in order to allow for standardized on-demand service request processing within the meaning of IT industrialization, these services appear too adapted to individual customer needs, particularly as they are subject to continuous changes in business requirements. In order to address this issue, a three-phase procedural model of IT service agreement configuration is introduced: IT services thus remain transformable and configurable via predefined complementary services which are selected by configuring a customer's individual service directory. In addition, the reutilization of modular commitments in order to compose service specifications aims to maintain standardized IT operations. Serving as a procedural reference model, these configuration phases are introduced in detail regarding activities, roles, techniques and data structure as developed and implemented in Action Research cooperation with two IT providers.

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Aligning IT-service propositions to changing business requirements in ongoing service-systems

2010-08-13 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Uebernickel, Falk , Brenner, Walter

In order to form value-oriented service-systems with their customer organizations, IT-providers are increasingly required to orientate their service offerings towards the ongoing support of their customers' business processes with IT. Nevertheless, predominantly resource-focused and transactional IT-service propositions are offered that lack transparency in both value added and expenses per service for the customer's business. As a first step in our research in progress that aims for a conceptual basis for the design of IT-service propositions in value-oriented service-systems, we apply service-dominant logic to IT-service propositions. Simultaneously, however, the bit for standardized and automated IT-operations processes has to be taken into account when designing such service propositions. Based on current service-system research, we propose (1) to predefine service propositions in consideration of both commitments and operational processes and (2) to introduce additional "shaping propositions' to customize and allow for the continuous adaption of the IT-service to functionality and performance changes. In order to maintain transparency in and control of the current service agreement and its expenses, these propositions orientate themselves toward business objects in the customer's field of responsibility.

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Zwischen Kundenindividualität und Standardisierung - Konzeptvorschlag und Datenstruktur eines IT-Produktmodells

2010-03-24 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Uebernickel, Falk , Brenner, Walter , Thomas, Oliver , Nüttgens, Makus

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Brücken schlagen

2012-10-01 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Vetterli, Christophe , Brenner, Walter , Uebernickel, Falk

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Customizing IT Service Agreements as a Self Service by means of Productized Service Propositions

2011-01-07 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Brenner, Walter , Uebernickel, Falk

Whilst service providers of information technology (IT) seek to achieve cost-efficiency and optimization in request processing, customers increasingly demand flexibility and agility to align long lasting IT service relationships to changing requirements of their business processes. Customer individual adjustments of service agreements and changes in commitments of functionality and performance cause negotiation and service reengineering efforts. Amounts of service agreements and change requests impede the overview of currently valid commitments in service systems. In order to overcome these problems, this article proposes to customize service systems on demand only by selecting, parameterizing and arranging predefined and productized service propositions. A self-service reference model is introduced that allows the customer to continuously adjust service systems in their arrangements of committed IT services on demand. Its implementation as an online portal supports easy traceability of the current total of IT service commitments as well as consistency of additional service requests with the current service arrangement. Examples from its application in two major IT-projects illustrate the results.

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Mass Customizing IT Service Agreements: Towards Individualized On-Demand Services

2010-06-09 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Uebernickel, Falk , Brenner, Walter

IT service providers shall achieve both cost reduction in their IT operations and customer individuality in service agreements. This article suggests adapting the well known principle of mass customization to balance individuality and standardization in service agreements. Dependent on the commitment modularity type, its employment may not only save time and resources at the point of customer involvement but also allow the pre-engineering of repeatable processes of provisioning and IT operations. We develop a conceptual model for positioning and classifying IT service providers as mass customizers of service agreements. This categorization is based on commitment modularity types and points of customer involvement in the IT service life cycle. We apply this typology to selected cases of service agreements at different IT service providers to explain four generic archetypes. We then introduce how to implement a specific archetype by modularizing self-contained commitments and productizing options and changes of a service agreement. That latter concept has been developed in close cooperation with four IT service providers and is currently piloted to redesign real life contractual relationships with a customer.

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A methodical procedure for designing consumer oriented on-demand IT service propositions

2011-06-01 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Uebernickel, Falk , Brenner, Walter

IT providers are increasingly facing the challenge to adapt their previously resource oriented service portfolios in order to offer their customers services which explicitly support business processes. Such customer centric service propositions, however, seem to contradict the demand for standardized and automated operational IT processes more than traditional IT service offers, as they are even more subject to customer individual reengineering efforts due to permanently changing business requirements. In order to reconcile increased efficiency in operational processes and effectiveness in consumer oriented service propositions, we propose (1) to predefine all service propositions in consideration of both consumer oriented commitments and operational processes, and (2) to allow for standardized customization by offering a selection of complementary service propositions that extend commitments regarding customer oriented functionality and performance. Such service propositions are aligned with a company's entities such as workplaces. Thereby the customer organization is enabled to trace, control and adjust commitments, value and expenses of IT services per entity in its business. We introduce a procedural model for designing and on-demand requesting this kind of service propositions, and we illustrate the model's application and impact by examples taken from two large projects with an associated IT provider.

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Managing the Current Customization of Process Related IT-Services

2010-01-08 , Brenner, Walter , Uebernickel, Falk , Brocke, Henrik Finn

IT service providers are increasingly required to orientate their service portfolio towards the IT support of their consumer's business processes. This enables diversification as well as transparency in costs and services vis-a-vis the customer to be achieved. Such services however, appear too customer specific for a standardized service provision within the context of IT-industrialisation as they are subject to constantly changing customer demands. To combat this, a concept is envisaged that keeps business process orientated IT-services modifiable and configurable by concretely defining additional Associate Services in advance. In order to maintain transparency and influence in IT expenses, these services orientate themselves towards business objects in the customer's business. The concept is illustrated with the aid of examples from its application and further development together with two associate IT-providers.

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Reuse-Mechanisms for Mass Customizing IT-Service Engagements

2010-08-14 , Brocke, Henrik Finn , Uebernickel, Falk , Brenner, Walter

Divergent requirements of customers limit the potential of information technology (IT) service providers to achieveeconomies of scale through the standardization of service engagements. Continuous change requests in ongoing IT-servicerelationships complicate matters even more. Mass customization strategies have successfully addressed similar challenges inindustrial sectors by reusing, i.e. composing and adapting standardized modules.Transforming this strategy to IT-service management, we present a three-layer approach of reuse-based IT-servicecustomization in order to increase both effectiveness and efficiency at the stages of initial service specification, customizationof offerings, and continuous adjustment of ongoing service engagements. This is proposed to be achieved by adopting wellestablishedreuse-mechanisms of reference information modeling. The approach has been developed and prototyped in closecooperation with IT-organizations.