Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Radically rethinking the way crowdfunding works: the case of JumpStartFund and the Hyperloop
    ( 2019)
    Lipusch, Nikolaus
    Dellermann, Dominik
    Bretschneider, Ulrich
    In this research, we explore the unique case of JumpStartFund, a new crowdfunding platform that is used to develop the Hyperloop project. To this end, we employ an in-depth single case study to examine the participation architecture of the platform as well as the Hyperloop campaign content, based on which we derive a new crowdfunding model. The derived crowdfunding model differs from existing crowdfunding models in that it allows entrepreneurs to develop their business with the crowdmore actively. Our research has important implications for research and practice. First, we introduce a new crowdfunding model that expands the boundaries of existent models. Second, we explain how our model helps to more efficiently leverage the potential inherent in the crowd thereby redefining entrepreneurial success within crowdfunding. Third, we discuss how our findings contribute to existent research within the context of crowdsourcing.
  • Publication
    Radically Rethinking the Way Crowdfunding Works: The Case of Jumpstartfund and the Hyperloop
    ( 2019-11-21)
    Lipusch, Nikolaus
    Dellermann, Dominik
    Bretschneider, Ulrich
    In this research, we explore the unique case of JumpStartFund, a new crowdfunding platform that is used to develop the Hyperloop project. To this end, we employ an in-depth single case study to examine the participation architecture of the platform as well as the Hyperloop campaign content, based on which we derive a new crowdfunding model. The derived crowdfunding model differs from existing crowdfunding models in that it allows entrepreneurs to develop their business with the crowdmore actively. Our research has important implications for research and practice. First, we introduce a new crowdfunding model that expands the boundaries of existent models. Second, we explain how our model helps to more efficiently leverage the potential inherent in the crowd thereby redefining entrepreneurial success within crowdfunding. Third, we discuss how our findings contribute to existent research within the context of crowdsourcing.
    Scopus© Citations 1
  • Publication
    One for All? Managing External and Internal Crowds through a Single Platform - A Case Study
    Whereas crowdsourcing as a topic has often been addressed in recent literature, web-based crowdworking platforms that manage the interface between crowdsourcers and crowdworkers have not received much attention so far. Furthermore, most of these platforms focus on either the management of external or internal crowds; platforms that handle both groups are rare. This paper investigates such a provider: the German company Across Systems. It uses a hybrid model, offering an individual “mini crowdworking platform” that enables the simultaneous government of external and internal crowds as well as a more traditional marketplace crowdworking platform (crossMarket) where supply and demand meet. Using a single-case study approach, the main contribution of this paper is to shed light on a model that has the potential to change the current crowdworking platform market. We show that managing both external and internal crowds on one platform can increase the acceptance, quality and speed of task completion.