Now showing 1 - 10 of 41
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Expressing Demands or Offers: How to Promote Volunteering Using Visual and Verbal Appeals

2022 , Bünzli, Fabienne , Eppler, Martin , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Hofer, Alena

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Toward a Community-Oriented Design of Internet Platforms

2002 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

Building user communities can contribute significantly to the success of an on-line platform. The literature on establishing on-line communities and on extending existing platforms with functionalities that enable community building emphasizes the social and economic aspects of community building and neglects the technical aspects. On-line communities have two elements: community members and platform. The platform provides a virtual social meeting space and shapes communication with the service it provides. In order to determine what kind of services will enable, stimulate, and foster community building, this paper identifies community modules and proposes a typology of on-line communities and their community-supporting platforms.

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2022-06-23 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Mierzejewska, Bozena Izabela

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CSR Communication Strategies for Twitter : Microblogging as a Tool for Public Relations

2011-05-28 , Etter, Michael , Plotkowiak, Thomas , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

This study explores how companies use the social media tool Twitter for CSR communication. By analyzing CSR communication conducted by 30 most central corporate Twitter accounts, identified through social network analysis within a CSR-Twitter-network consisting of 19'855 Twitter members, we contribute to the understanding of Twitter's role for CSR communication and public relations. Manually conducted content analysis of totally 41‘864 corporate Twitter messages gives insights into different strategies concerning intensity and interactivity of CSR communication. Based on theoretical foundations and empirical findings four CSR communication strategies for Twitter are identified.

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Netzwerk-Journalismus : Zur veränderten Vermittlerrolle von Journalisten am Beispiel einer Case Study zu Twitter und den Unruhen in Iran

2012-01-01 , Plotkowiak, Thomas , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Ebermann, Jana , Meckel, Miriam , Fleck, Matthes

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CSR Communication on Instagram: Exploring CSR Signals and Countersignals in a Visually-Oriented Social Media Platform

2023-05-26 , Iago Santos Muraro , Maximilian Schacker , Katarina Stanoevska

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication is increasingly pursued in interactive form over social media. This has given rise to research on the effectiveness of social media CSR posts. Most of this research considers Twitter and Facebook, while recent visual social media such as Instagram (IG) are yet underexplored. By referring to signaling theory, this paper explores the effects of both IG CSR posts (signals) and their components (CSR image and text) on user engagement in the form of likes and comments (countersignals). A computational research approach was employed to scrape 39'400 IG posts with associated audience engagement information in terms of likes and comments (544,031) of 394 companies. The data analysis reveals that compared to non-CSR posts, CSR posts tend to result in a lower number of likes and comments and an increase in the proportion of negative comments. However, this negative effect of CSR communication on IG seems to vary between companies and across industries considerably, thus suggesting that CSR communication effectiveness is not only a function of CSR post features, but also users' perceptions about business entities. With these insights, the paper adds to the knowledge about the effects of CSR posts in visual-oriented social media and provides guidelines on how to design effective IG CSR posts.

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Facebook Push Notification as Triggers for Habit-Forming Feedback Loops

2022-07-18 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Mierzejewska, Bozena Izabela

This abstract analyses if push notifications of social media (SM) to users lead are the starting point for habit-forming feedback loops according to the hook concept based on the example of Facebook push notifications. Facebook push notifications are conceptualized as starting point of a chain of persuasive offerings that result in Facebook triggered escapism. A push notification is successful, i.e. has high persuasiveness when addressed users react on it, enter the platform and stay longer in Facebook. Thus, through reacting on push notifications users get immersed into Facebook’s entertainment and media offerings, which results in a triggered escapist consumption of the offered content by the platform. The empirical results reveal that self-control is negatively related to triggered Facebook escapism. Usability of push Facebook notifications is positively related to triggered Facebook escapism. Triggered Facebook escapism furthermore results in positive effects for users in term of enjoyment, autonomy, competence and relatedness. It is negatively related to feeling of guilt.

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Enterprise Mashups - Neue Herausforderung für das Projektmanagement

2008-04-15 , Hoyer, Volker , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

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COVID-19 Pandemic: When Fear Affects the Agenda - A big-data Twitter-based analysis of the media's agenda-setting power

2022 , Shahrezaye, Morteza , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Meckel, Miriam

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Expressing demands or offers: How to promote volunteering using visual and verbal appeals

2021 , Bünzli, Fabienne , Stanoevska, Katarina , Eppler, Martin , Hofer, Alena