Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    A new perspective on neutralization and deterrence: Predicting shadow IT usage
    (Elsevier, 2017-12-01) ;
    Barlow, Jordan B.
    This study examines the role of neutralization and deterrence in discouraging employees from using Shadow IT: tools, services and systems used in an organization but not authorized by the IT department. Our study provides a unique contribution to the IT security literature by studying effects of neutralization on both intentions (self-reported) and actual behavior, as well as examining the role of shame as a mediator. We surveyed employees from four organizations and found that the “metaphor of the ledger” neutralization technique predicts Shadow IT intention and actual Shadow IT usage. We also find that neutralization and deterrence effects influence shame.
    Scopus© Citations 79
  • Publication
    Influence of Shadow IT on Innovation in Organizations
    (RTU Press, 2016-10-07) ;
    Silic, Dario
    Oblakovic, Goran
    Shadow IT is relatively new and emerging phenomenon which is bringing number of concerns and risks to the organizational security. Past literature has mostly explored the “negative” effects of the Shadow IT phenomenon, including, for example, the security aspect where Shadow systems are said to undermine the official systems and endanger organizational data flows. However, the question of how Shadow IT can contribute to leverage user’s innovation has not been adequately addressed. We used three methods to understand if Shadow IT can be an important source of innovation for firms: 1) Single case study with international firm that adopted Shadow IT; 2) Interviews with 15 IT executives and 3) Focus group using twitter as enabling tool to interact with 65 IT professionals. We offer a new perspective on how Shadow IT practices can leverage user’s innovation. The study offers novel insights on the role of Shadow users in the organizational innovation process and how they contribute to new innovations by using Shadow IT. Not only this user led innovation through Shadow IT brings positive outcomes for the employee, but it also reveals the path to follow for organizations to increase their innovation capabilities.
  • Publication
    Shadow IT - A view from behind the curtain
    (Elsevier, 2014-09-01) ;
    Shadow IT is a currently misunderstood and relatively unexplored phenomena. It represents all hardware, software, or any other solutions used by employees inside of the organisational ecosystem which have not received any formal IT department approval. But how much do we know about this phenomenon? What is behind the curtain? Is security in organisations jeopardised? In the research study reported here, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the organisational Shadow IT software database, reporting the view from behind the curtain. The study used triangulation approach to investigate the Shadow IT phenomena and its findings open Pandora's Box as they lay a new picture of what Shadow IT looks like from the software perspective. Our study revealed that greynet, content apps, and utility tools are the most used shadow systems. This study offers important insights on the Shadow IT phenomena for information management professionals and provides new research directions for academia.
    Scopus© Citations 110