Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Conveying Knowledge Using Visualization vs. Text : Empirical Evidence from Asia and Europe
    (Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2010-09-01) ; ;
    Tan, M.
    Chang, K.
    Tochtermann, Klaus
    Maurer, Hermann
    In this study we look at an innovative approach to knowledge management, namely the use of graphical representations for conveying a specific type of knowledge. We focus on business strategy and investigate how this type of knowledge can best be communicated by comparing textual and visual representations. Through a controlled experiment we examine the effect of knowledge representation on understanding and recall of participants in Europe and East Asia. The results show that knowledge visualization is superior to text, independent of culture, and that culture does not have a negative mediating role on the reception of knowledge. However, we also find that subjects underestimate the benefits of visual representations of information for building up knowledge in both cultures. We believe that these findings reveal the hidden benefits of visualization for knowledge work. Communicating knowledge with visual formats or representations thus seems a promising, but undervalued practice for international, intercultural contexts.
  • Publication
    Challenges and Solutions for Knowledge Sharing in Inter-Organizational Teams : First Experimental Results on the Positive Impact of Visualization
    (Verlag der Technischen Universität, 2010-09-01)
    Comi, Alice
    Tochtermann, Klaus
    Maurer, Hermann
    As pointed out by several scholars, inter-organizational collaboration is an important vehicle for knowledge creation. But the process of integrating knowledge across organizational boundaries entails great complexity. In this paper, we argue that visualizing knowledge in interorganizational meetings is a conduit of knowledge sharing, and enables innovative recombinations of organizational competences. We propose an experimental design to uncover the advantages and possible disadvantages of using visual techniques as a support for interorganizational knowledge sharing. In particular, we compare the process and the outcome of knowledge sharing in inter-organizational teams supported with 1) software-based visualization, 2) poster-based visualization, and 3) text-based methods. The first results of our experiments suggest that software-supported teams outperform the control groups in knowledge-sharing tasks, and exhibit greater satisfaction with teamwork process and outcome. After discussing relevant implications for both researchers and practitioners, we point out limitations of our study and suggest directions for future research.
  • Publication
    Visualizing Organizational Competences: Problems, Practices, Perspectives
    (Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2009-09-02)
    Comi, A.
    Tochtermann, Klaus
    Maurer, Hermann
  • Publication
    Drawing Distinctions: The Visualization of Classification
    (Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2009-09-04) ;
    Stoyko, P.
    Tochtermann, Klaus
    Maurer, Hermann