Now showing 1 - 10 of 21
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Corruption: Uncovering the Price of Normative Morality and the Value of Ethics

2016 , Rauen, Verena

Corruption should be understood as illustrative of an ethical problem that runs deeper than specific immoral actions. This Article sees corruption as an unethical exchange, a view that can shed light on the economic structure of normative morality (as distinguished from ethics which is the theoretical field that underlies normative morality)—a structure that enables the possibility of exchanging moral values against marketable prices in the first place. To go beyond normative morality, this Article will discuss two profound philosophical concepts and their relation to corruption: (1) a non-economic justice as founded by Aristotle’s principle of épieikeia (equity), and (2) Levinas' notion of the Third with the ethical responsibility that is connected to it. In addition, the discussion of the Third will be informed by philosophical theories of gift exchange as proposed by, among others, Marcel Hénaff, who examined the connections between gift exchange, monetary exchanges and corruption. Based on this, a way of thinking about the suspension between ethics and corruption is developed that avoids falling back into the logic of economic exchange which is constitutive for corruption. Instead, an ethical perspective is suggested as the fundamental ability to adequately balance universal normative claims with the individual case. This kind of just balancing opens up new spaces of reflection to confront corruption.

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Aporien des Verzeihens

2015 , Rauen, Verena , Crépon, Marc , Rauen, Verena , Crepon, Marc

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Die Pathologie der gestundeten Zeit. Zur Öffnung komprimierter Zeiträume für ethische Entscheidungen

2017 , Rauen, Verena , Rauen, Verena , Priddat, Birger

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Verzeihen ohne Macht? Imagination am Rande der Souveränität

2015 , Rauen, Verena , Rauen, Verena , Crépon, Marc

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No Freedom Without Forgiveness? The Problems of Beginning and Postponement

2008-03-06 , Rauen, Verena

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Arbeit und Eigentum

2020 , Krause, Florian , Heidbrink, Ludger , Lorch, Alexander , Rauen, Verena

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Ethische Verantwortung

2016 , Rauen, Verena , Heidbrink, Ludger , Langbehn, Claus , Sombetzki, Janina

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Die Welt kostet Zeit : Zeit der Ökonomie - Ökonomie der Zeit

2017 , Priddat, Birger , Rauen, Verena

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Normativität und Instrumentalität in Stakeholder-Beziehungen

2020 , Schank, Christoph , Heidbrink, Ludger , Lorch, Alexander , Rauen, Verena

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Warum Wirtschaftsphilosophie? Eine kontroverse Auseinandersetzung

2016 , Rauen, Verena , Heidbrink, Ludger , Priddat, Birger , Enkelmann, Wolf Dieter