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How to Systematically Conduct Crowdsourced Software Testing? Insights from an Action Research Project

2016-12 , Leicht, Niklas , Blohm, Ivo , Leimeister, Jan Marco

Nowadays, traditional testing approaches become less feasible – both economically and practicably - for several reasons, such as an increasingly dynamic environment, shorter product lifecycles, cost pressure, as well as a fast growing and increasingly segmented hardware market. With the surge towards new modes of value creation, crowdsourced software testing (CST) seems to be a promising solution to effectively solve these problems and was already applied in various software testing contexts. However, literature so far mostly neglected the perspective of an organization intending to crowdsource tasks. In this study, we present an ongoing action research project with a consortium of six companies and present a preliminary model for crowdsourced software testing in organizations. The model unfolds necessary activities, process changes, and the accompanied roles for crowdsourced software testing to enable organizations to systematically conduct such initiatives and illustrates how test departments can use crowdsourcing as a new tool in their department.

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Towards Successful Crowdsourcing Projects: Evaluating the Implementation of Governance Mechanisms

2015-12-13 , Zogaj, Shkodran , Leicht, Niklas , Blohm, Ivo , Bretschneider, Ulrich

The last decade has witnessed the proliferation of crowdsourcing in various academic domains including strategic management, computer science, or IS research. Numerous companies have drawn on this concept and leveraged the wisdom of crowds for various purposes. However, not all crowdsourcing projects turn out to be a striking success. Hence, research and practice are on the lookout for the main factors influencing the success of crowdsourcing projects. In this context, proper governance is considered as the key to success by several researchers. However, little is known about governance mechanisms and their impact on project outcomes. We address this issue by means of a multiple case analysis in the scope of which we examine crowdsourcing projects on collaboration-based and/or competition-based crowdsourcing systems. Our initial study reveals that task definition mechanisms and quality assurance mechanisms have the highest impact on the success of crowdsourcing projects, whereas task allocation mechanisms are less decisive.

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Crowdsourcing und Crowd Work - Neue Formen digitaler Arbeit

2015 , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Zogaj, Shkodran , Durward, David , Blohm, Ivo , Bullinger, Angelika C.

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Dienstleistungen von der Crowd: Crowdsourcing und Crowd Work

2015 , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Zogaj, Shkodran , Blohm, Ivo

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The Rise of Crowd Aggregators - How Individual Workers Restructure Their Own Crowd

2017-02-12 , Durward, David , Blohm, Ivo , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Brenner, Walter

Crowd work has emerged as a new form of digital gainful employment whose nature is still a black box. In this paper, we focus on the crowd workers – a perspective that has been largely neglected by research. We report results from crowd worker interviews on two different platforms. Our findings illustrate that crowd aggregators as new players restructure the nature of crowd work sustainably with different effects on the behavior as well as the existing relationships of crowd workers. We contribute to prior research by developing a theoretical framework based on value chain and work aggregation theories which are applicable in this new form of digital labor. For practice, our results provide initial insights that need to be taken into account as part of the ongoing discussion on fair and decent conditions in crowd work.

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When is Crowdsourcing Advantageous? The Case of Crowdsourced Software Testing

2016 , Leicht, Niklas , Knop, Nicolas , Müller-Bloch, Christoph , Leimeister, Jan Marco

Crowdsourcing describes a novel mode of value creation in which organizations broadcast tasks that have been previously performed in-house to a large magnitude of Internet users that perform these tasks. Although the concept has gained maturity and has proven to be an alternative way of problem-solving, an organizational cost-benefit perspective has largely been neglected by existing research. More specifically, it remains unclear when crowdsourcing is advantageous in comparison to alternative governance structures such as in-house production. Drawing on crowdsourcing literature and transaction action cost theory, we present two case studies from the domain of crowdsourced software testing. We systematically analyze two organizations that applied crowdtesting to test a mobile application. As both organizations tested the application via crowdtesting and their traditional in-house testing, we are able to relate the effectiveness of crowdtesting and the associated costs to the effectiveness and costs of in-house testing. We find that crowdtesting is comparable in terms of testing quality and costs, but provides large advantages in terms of speed, heterogeneity of testers and user feedback as added value. We contribute to the crowdsourcing literature by providing first empirical evidence about the instances in which crowdsourcing is an advantageous way of problem solving.

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Arbeit und IT: Crowdsourcing und Crowdwork als neue Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsformen

2015 , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Zogaj, Shkodran , Durward, David , Blohm, Ivo

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Crowdtesting. Besser durch Schwarmintelligenz

2016-03 , Blohm, Ivo , Leicht, Niklas , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Rhyn, Marcel

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Crowdwork - digitale Wertschöpfung in der Wolke: Grundlagen, Formen und aktueller Forschungsstand

2015 , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Zogaj, Shkodran , Blohm, Ivo , Benner, Christiane

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Systematisierung und Analyse von Crowdsourcing-Anbietern und Crowd-Work-Projekten

2016-05 , Leimeister, Jan Marco , Zogaj, Shkodran , Durward, David , Blohm, Ivo