Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
    How Videoconferencing and its Affordances Transformed Teaching in Schools During COVID-19 Pandemic
    ( 2023-12-06)
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Li, Mahei Manhai
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about major changes in digitization in many areas of life and professions. New areas were digitized almost overnight, the school system in Germany was no exception leading to a demand for videoconferencing tools and communication platforms. These technologies have many different functionalities that need to be discovered, explored, and exploited by the user. Given the disruptive events that the COVID pandemic brought to us, this paper aims to shed light on how the dynamics of discovery, exploration, and exploitation unfolds. We use a functional affordance theory perspective to analyze and understand how user learn to use new technologies. To do this, we conducted an exploratory case-study-based research design including interviews with teachers from various schools to analyze how they appropriate new technologies to develop an explanatory theoretical model.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Conceptualizing Design Knowledge in IS Research – A Review and Taxonomy of Design Knowledge Properties
    ( 2022-01-07)
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Design science projects are of great interest in information systems (IS) research. Typically, design-oriented projects generate valuable design knowledge through the design and possible instantiation of artifacts. Although designing novel artifacts and accumulating design knowledge is common practice in IS, there is still limited shared knowledge about the distinctive characteristics of design knowledge to facilitate its accumulation. To address this issue, we develop a design knowledge taxonomy and contribute to a deeper understanding of design knowledge properties. The taxonomy is grounded on a systematic literature review, followed by a combination of empirical-to-conceptual and conceptual-to-empirical iterations. We evaluate the taxonomy by interviewing six domain experts and demonstrate its practical application and utility. Thus, the taxonomy consists of key dimensions and characteristics of design knowledge and contributes to a better scientific understanding of its characteristics. Practitioners can use the taxonomy as an instrument to further understand, design, and accumulate design knowledge.
  • Publication
    Designing for Cultural Values: Towards a Theory-motivated Method for Culture-sensitive Adaptation of Information Systems
    ( 2022-01-07) ;
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    To ensure that an intended target group accepts and uses an information system (IS) is a major challenge for service systems engineering and a key interest in IS research. On the one hand, individuals’ cultural values affect their willingness to use an IS; on the other hand, information technology (IT) is neither value-neutral and, thus, also affects IT acceptance and usage. Therefore, the adaptation of IS should consider both sources of value. Thus, in this paper, we present the theory-driven design of a method for culture-sensitive IS adaptation that draws on IT-culture conflict theory. Our two-fold evaluation approach results show that the method enables to create feasible results for developing culture-sensitive design solutions for IS. As a theoretical contribution, we contribute to the exploration of culture in IS development; as a practical contribution, we provide guidance in how to adapt IS for specific target groups.
  • Publication
    LEGIT Methodology: Towards Capturing Legal Compatibility of Design Science Artifacts
    (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Spring Cham), 2021)
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Leimeister, Jan Marco
    Chandra Kruse, Leona
    Seidel, Stefan
    Hausvik, Geir Inge
    Higher legal standards with regards to the data protection of individu-als such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are increasing the pressure on developers of IT artifacts. Typically, when developing systems, we subsequently evaluate them with users to elaborate aspects such as user experi-ence perceptions. However, nowadays, other evaluation aspects such as legality and data policy issues are also important criteria for system development. For this purpose, we introduce LEGIT (legal design science evaluation), which pro-vides developers with guidance when considering legal requirements. We use the case of the GDPR to illustrate the feasibility, applicability, and benefit to the de-velopment process. With this novel method adapted from law research, we are able to derive actionable guidance for developers to evaluate developer efforts in increasing legal compatibility. To illustrate our methodological approach, in this paper, we describe the key steps of the method with respect to the evaluation of a learning assistant. We develop an AI-based learning assistant for university stu-dents to demonstrate the application of the novel evaluation method. We briefly discuss how this procedure can serve as the foundation for a new evaluation method of legally compatible systems in design science research.
  • Publication
    Developing Lawful Technologies – A Revelatory Case Study on Design Patterns
    Higher legal standards regarding the data protection of individuals, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation, increase the pressure on developing lawful systems. In the development of technologies, not only developers are involved. It also requires knowledge from other stakeholders, such as legal experts, that lack technical knowledge but are required to understand IT artifacts. We see two strings that can benefit from the use of design patterns: first, the well-known use of design patterns to support developers in case of recurring problems. Second, we see potential that legal experts, who have to interact with and understand complicated, novel technologies, benefit from the same patterns. We conduct a revelatory case study using design patterns to develop and assess a smart learning assistant. We scaffolded the case interpretation through the human-centered view of socio-materiality and provide contributions concerning the use of design patterns in the development and assessment of lawful technologies.
  • Publication
    Mithilfe von Privacy Nudging zu rechtsverträglichen Videokonferenztools
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2021)
    Schomberg, Sabrina
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Barev, Torben Jan
  • Publication
    Codifying Interdisciplinary Design Knowledge through Patterns – The Case of Smart Personal Assistants
    ( 2020)
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Smart personal assistants (SPAs) are proliferating into our daily lives and are a ubiquitous platform for providing digital services. However, when de-signing such innovative IT artifacts, interdisciplinary domain knowledge is of-ten needed. For example, SPAs utilize a plethora of sensors and cloud-based computation of data to deliver high-quality services, but those services, for ex-ample, may conflict with current regulations of law, e.g., with the Data Protec-tion Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. In that sense, approaches are needed to overcome the limited domain knowledge of developers. Thus, we propose in our study a pattern-based approach to codify interdisciplinary design knowledge. For this purpose, we derive theory-motivated requirements, develop design principles for patterns, and evaluate the utility of the patterns. Our re-sults from a 2x2 fully randomized field study show that the provision of pat-terns for SPA development supports interdisciplinary design through better con-sideration of both service quality and law compatibility. Thus, we provide de-sign contributions concerning how we effectively codify and communicate de-sign knowledge and provide practical guidance for supporting interdisciplinary IS development.
  • Publication
    Judging Alexa - Towards a New Methodology to Capture the Legal Compatibility of Conversational Speech Agents
    ( 2020)
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Thies, Laura Friederike
    Roßnagel, Alexander
    Higher legal standards with regards to data protection of individuals such as EU-GDPR are increasing the pressure on developers of IT artifacts. This is especially prevalent when considering conversational speech agents (CSA) that are collecting data in new ways, and thus, are oftentimes producing conflicts with existing law regulations. For this purpose, we introduce the law simulation method which is a well-known evaluation method among law researchers for capturing legal compatibility of IT artifacts such as CSA. With this rigorous method, we are able to derive actionable guidance for CSA developers to evaluate developer efforts for increasing legal compatibility. To illustrate our methodological approach, we describe in this workshop paper key steps of the method with respect to the evaluation of CSA. We discuss how this can serve as the foundation for a new evaluation method of legally compatible systems in information systems.