Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    The efficient provision of culture-sensitive services - a modularization approach
    (Springer Japan, 2015-07-07) ; ; ;
    Sawatani, Yuriko
    Spohrer, James
    Kwan, Stephen
    Takenaka, Takeshi
    This paper presents first guidelines for the cultural adaptation and efficient global provision of services. For this purpose, it elaborates on how to consider culture-specific components of a service on the basis of systematic service modularization. This is illustrated by the example of an IT-mediated learning service, which is usually perceived differently in diverse cultures. To this end, a process model is described based on culture theory and systematic modularization in order to identify culture-specific and culture-independent components of a learning service for its consideration within global service provision. This contribution to practice is complemented by the theoretical contribution of the inclusion of culture-theoretical components into service modularization.
  • Publication
    The Efficient Provision of Culture-Sensitive Services: A Modularization Approach
    (Springer, 2017) ; ; ;
    Sawatani, Yuriko
    Spohrer, James
    Kwan, Stephen
    Takenaka, Takeshi
    This paper presents first guidelines for the cultural adaptation and efficient global provision of services. For this purpose, it elaborates on how to consider culture-specific components of a service on the basis of systematic service modularization. This is illustrated by the example of an IT-mediated learning service, which is usually perceived differently in diverse cultures. To this end, a process model is described based on culture theory and systematic modularization in order to identify culture-specific and culture-independent components of a learning service for its consideration within global service provision. This contribution to practice is complemented by the theoretical contribution of the inclusion of culture-theoretical components into service modularization.