Now showing 1 - 10 of 40
  • Publication
    The Design of Personal Learning Environments (PLE) with Scope on Information Literacy in High School
    (Springer International Publishing, 2015) ; ; ; ;
    Uden, Lorna
    Liberona, Dario
    Welzer, Tatjana
    Abstract. Information literacy is considered a key competence for the networked 21st century. Despite of its importance it has not been anchored in educational technology research and practice in sufficient manner yet. The paper at hand contributes to this research gap by providing a concept for design of personal learning environments with scope on information literacy. Personal learning environments (PLE) can be defined as conceptual and technological frameworks that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to: set their own learning goals and manage their learning in terms of both learning outcomes (content) and process. By applying the design science approach, a framework for PLE is proposed that combines subject-oriented learning objectives with goals to build and foster information literacy. The focus of the research lies in the initial theoretical phase of the design cycle. Based on a systematic literature review first a model for measuring information literacy is developed. The developed model is than embedded in a generic PLE framework that supports building and measuring information literacy in addition to other subject-specific learning goals. Therefore, the paper outlines a framework to conceptualize PLE focusing on information literacy by pursuing the design-based research paradigm.
  • Publication
    Location Based Commercial Services
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2015) ;
    Mansell, Robin
    Location based commercial services (LBS) are specific mobile services that depend on and are based on location information. They provide added value for mobile users through location-specific information and services, as well as through their visualization on interactive maps. LBS provide basic information regarding the location of a person or object, the persons and objects that are nearby, a depiction of the surroundings, as well as instructions about how to get from one place to another. Examples of LBS are: location-specific weather and tourist services, location based mobile games and social networks, navigation as well as location-specific advertising and mobile commerce services. They provide spatial guidance for users and help them in mastering location-specific tasks and information needs in an efficient way. This entry defines LBS, explains the technologies they are based on and classifies them. It also explains the historical evolution and factors influencing the adoption of LBS.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Influence of the Blogosphere on Media Agenda : The Case of Swiss French Journalists Covering International Events
    (Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2014) ;
    Sacco, Vittoria
    Schenker, Yoann
    Kuyucu, Mihalis
    When bloggers are analogous to reporters, some of their working principles can challenge traditional professional standards such as conversation with the audience, transparency in the reporting process or even participation in news production. In other word, the blogosphere has strengthened the belief that the Internet is transforming journalistic practices. In order to contribute to the debate on the influences of weblogs and social media on journalism, this paper focuses on a preliminary understanding of key relationship between Swiss French media covering international news events and the blogosphere. Blogs and social media seem to play a greater role in international news events than in other form of reportage: (1) they are complementary, (2) they add value, (3) they can be a source of information, (4) they report on events that are not covered by the mainstream media and (5) they revive information of past/forgotten conflicts. However, the quality of sources has a determinant role in the use of the blogosphere among journalists. The study also offers suggestions on how journalistic values and practices influence Swiss French media's choices of coverage of international news events. Main factors quoted by respondents were lack of time and space and the concept of mimicry and proxemics. Conclusions support the idea that new generations of journalists are willing to establish opportunities for blogs to be integrated into mainstream media routines. -->
  • Publication
    Social Media Curation and Journalistic Reporting on the "Arab Spring" : Mediated Communication in Times of Crisis
    (Lang, 2013)
    Sacco, Vittoria
    Giardina, Marco
    Hayes, Joy Elizabeth
    Hilton-Morrow, Wendy
    Battles, Kathleen
    Arab uprisings have shown how information delivered by eyewitnesses has changed the way news is produced and distributed. War coverage narratives, created by filtering and curating news of the Middle East uprisings, have been crafted by media professionals and amateurs using Storify, a media content curation platform. This chapter investigates the nature of emerging media content curation platforms' coverage of the Arab Spring. It explores and empirically analyzes the characteristics and potential role of content curation in society and news delivery activities, particularly in times of crisis. Findings indicate that Storify both perpetuates and disrupts traditional news frames and sources. Stories exceed both government and editorial policies by providing alternative sources and building a media space where several cultures and opinions may be represented, thus, showing a more human and realistic face of events. However, our empirical analysis also indicates the use of a large number of unknown sources, engendering a lack of accuracy.
  • Publication
    Incorporating Supplier Data
    (Springer, 2013) ;
    Dada, Ali
    Marx Gómez, Jorge
    Network participation is a crucial factor in order to reap the benefits of a system like OEPI which is based on user-generated content. Therefore, motives for organizations to join the network and contribute content have to be identified in order to develop incentives that can make the network viral. This chapter identifies the organizational and individual motives, develops incentives based on these, and finally presents the basic concept of how network participation can be stimulated.
  • Publication
    Practical Guidelines
    (Springer, 2013) ;
    Dada, Ali
    Marx Gómez, Jorge
    Business networks initiatives in the sustainability domain, despite all their advantages, face resistance during their implementation. In fact, the success stories are rare. In the case of environmental product compliance in the automotive industry, the approach of exchanging sustainability data using a network-based Information System has shown its potential with the International Material Data System (IMDS). Nevertheless, such Sustainability Business Networks (SBNs) are not used to their full extend and have not reached a high market penetration in any other industries. Therefore this research analyses the reasons for market adoption of SBNs, and extracts the critical success factors in the application area of product compliance. A ranking of the success factors is established leveraging the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Finally recommendations are given for a potential market introduction of a SBN like OEPI.
  • Publication
    Value Assessment
    (Springer, 2013) ;
    Dada, Ali
    Marx Gómez, Jorge
    This chapter identifies the impact that the OEPI system could have in the four use cases described within the book. To establish the base for further improvements, the challenges common to all use cases are summarized. Availability of data, lack of comparability of data, inflexibility, lack of process integration, and high costs are the main challenges occurring in all use cases. Then, potential benefits and risks are described. Furthermore, these results have been evaluated. The results suggest that the OEPI system has the potential to improve the state of the art in exchanging EPIs in the supply chain by providing a many-to-many solution incorporating data from various data sources. Furthermore, standardization effects, increased speed of data collection, and additional benchmarking and analysis capabilities can be provided, that were not available before or only at high costs. On the other hand, reaching a critical mass of participants, data accuracy and data comparability are challenges that might hinder a widespread adoption of the OEPI system or similar solutions.
  • Publication
    Environmental Reporting
    (Springer, 2013) ; ;
    Dada, Ali
    Marx Gómez, Jorge
    Measuring and reporting EPIs is the first step towards increasing the operational environmental performance. Following the principle “do good and talk about it”, companies need to communicate what they have done in order to claim the profits for their efforts. Most companies do report their environmental performance in an annual sustainability report; however, the processes are too slow and costly to enable companies to react to current incidents that might for example threaten their reputation. Furthermore, accurate reporting would require data from outside the company’s borders where most of the creation of net value takes place. This chapter describes the state of the art in environmental reporting, extracts the shortcomings and derives the functional requirements necessary for the fulfillment of this use case in OEPI.
  • Publication
    The Potential of a Network-Centric Solution for Sustainability in Business Processes
    (Springer, 2012) ;
    Dada, Ali
    Due to an increasing pressure from international regulation, customers and other stakeholders, companies are increasingly experiencing the need to incorporate sustainability considerations in their core business processes and daily operations. For this purpose they require software solutions that simplify the collection, analysis, and incorporation of sustainability indicators at the right processes across their operations. However, prevailing systems are enterprisecentric in the sense that they are owned and used by one focal company collecting the data from different sources and using it for its internal decision making. This paper will describe three example use cases where sustainability has a key role to play and will provide an overview of major problems with the current state of the art. In the second part of the paper, a new approach for sharing sustainability indicators is introduced that enables many providers and consumers of environmental data to connect to and leverage a common platform. Finally, the paper analyzes the potential risks and benefits of introducing such a network platform, using the three business use cases to illustrate the opportunities resulting from it.